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XCORTECH X3200 MK3 Review

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Well I think a number of people have found that the xcoretech gives less accurate (usually lower) readings when it is used in dim ambient lighting. I've observed with mine that when used in my basement at night with sub optimal lighting that readings can be deceptively low compared to what the same gun and chrono read in bright daylight.

So I did some testing tonight since my buddy was coming over with his easy to change springs QC G36 so I could test out my unlabeled spring collection and figure out what I had;)

But what I did because we wanted a test result for consistency was took my M4 which is normally super consistent IE +-1fps generally. So I tested indoors under florescent lights, in the shop it's pretty bright. Shot consistently around 408fps, and then we went outside in pitch black and it shot the same. I also for the sake of curiosity used my 200 lumen light shined into the chrono and had the same results.

So unless there is something else going on or something with the way the light strikes the sensor I'd say they solved it with this version. Now I'm curious though since I hadn't heard that before, I'm going to try fiddling with the field chrono at STFU which is the old version and see if I can make it vary results.

So more coming the next time I see that particular chrono, but this one seems to not have an issue with light levels effecting the results;)


Having an older XChortech, I may have to do some testing with the lighting. Might even have to install some sort of internal lighting if it makes a big difference, as from my readings and what people have chronoed at games, my chrono seems to read higher than the field chrono. Which isn't necessarily too bad of a thing, essentially ensuring the replica to be well within limits. But if lighting does make a noticeable difference, I will address it as soon as I can. I figure some small light strips or LEDs would be cheaper than a whole new chronograph.

I'd be curious to hear the results on that, since until last night I didn't know it even potentially was an issue;)

I'm pretty skeptical of chrono's in general. It's a pretty fine tuned reading for such a short time duration and distance. Let's say this I wouldn't be surprised if just about every chrono made was 50fps off in the same direction. Just because of the way it's measuring. I'm guessing it would be possible with a high speed camera and a gradient to get an accurate benchmark. Because the results are consistent I just doubt they are all that accurate. But I could very well be wrong.


With using a flashlight aimed along side the muzzle down the chrono, the readings didn't seem to change or differ in any way from normal. My normal though seems to be if the angle of the barrel shooting through shifts or changes, it might vary the results slightly, but that has always been the case for mine. So whenever I chrono, I just try to keep the gun in the same position/angle each shot for the best reading of consistency.

And yeah, I could get behind the "ball park reading" idea, makes a decent amount of sense in my mind.
Reminds me of the chrono RedWolf Airsoft used to use in their videos way back when Arclight used to do the videos.

I would believe that things readings, as it is meant to give accurate readings for real steel/IPSC.


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