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Topics - Mosin

Pages: [1]
Airsoft Events / Operation: Fading Light 03JUN2017-04JUN2017
« on: March 04, 2017, 01:20:31 AM »
Operation Fading Light

Date: 03 JUNE 2017 - 04 JUNE 2017

Time: 1100 - 1100
Location: Hole In The Wall Paintball
24262 66th St, Bangor, MI 49013


Timeline -
0800: Gates are open, players are encouraged to be there exactly on time
0830: Registration and Chrono 100% open and in effect, players should spend the initial 30 minutes jamming mags (EXCEPT ONE) and prepping gear
0915: Registration and Chrono is reduced to 50% staff, all hands safety briefing begins
0930: Safety briefing concludes, players walk out to starting positions on field.
1100: Game is live, multiple missions will be thrown at either side at any random time.

1100: Endex

Age: 13+

All players are required to have AT LEAST full seal eye protection. Full seal can constitute an ANSI rated goggle system (traditional) or ANSI rated shooting glasses WITH FULL SEAL INSERTS. Shooting glasses as a standalone are not allowed on field.

Barrel bags are required when outside of the game field.


Teams, General Information, Camouflage Patterns, and Cap Limit

1st MAR DIV:


Soviet Stauka VGK



Price will fall under the following timeline brackets. Unfortunately, the airsofter community is less than perfect when it comes to prepaying until the very last minute, as such the following price brackets will be in effect for this event. The goal here is to get payments as soon as possible, so we're able to buy the props and equipment for this event to be a success.

Price brackets:
3/4/2017 - 4/8/2017 - $30 (Early bird rate)
4/9/2017 - 5/4/2017 - $40 (Regular sign up rate)
5/4/2017 - 6/3/2017 - $50 (Late comer/at the gate rate)

Ticket admission will include entry for the 24 hour event. Food is something you'll need to figure out on your own, or as a team, however water will be provided. Enola Gaye Cold Burning Smoke EG-18 and WP-40s are available for purchase as well at the gate, please PM us on our Facebook page. Also please inquire if you do not have an MSW tourniquet, as these will be mandatory per each player to have.

Prepayment PayPal account is BastardsMilsim@Gmail.com -- Please ensure this is in "Gift" format. If for any reason the event is cancelled all players will be refunded within a timely manner.

When sending payment, include your REAL name and team you'll be fighting for. If you want to stay with your friends, please make sure you all put the same Squad. People who show up at the door are subject to go wherever suits the team best.

REFUNDS: Since we are a local community host, we'll do our best to work with you on refunds. Once we get less than 30 days out from the event, we start making our Amazon orders and local surplus store runs to purchase props and equipment. Because of this, 5/10/2017 will be the FINAL DAY that we can support refunds. Please understand that we have overheads to cover as well, and just because you can no longer make it does not mean we can take back props that we've manipulated for the event.

Registration will only take effect once you've prepaid.

Weapons: All weapon platforms will be allowed, all weapons are confined to semi automatic only with exception of designated belt fed weapons. For the sake of the spirit of the game, please do your best to use Russian style weapon systems if you are going Russian, or M4 style weapon systems if you're going 1st Marine Division.

For clarification, a belt fed weapon platform is any weapon platform that would be comparable to its real steel counterpart in that it would require linked ammunition to fire, exception is given for the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) and similar weapons that can be fired with standard magazines. Some examples of allowed weapon platforms are:

- M249 SAW
- M240 (Golf or Bravo)
- .50 Cal Machine guns
- RPK's
- RPD's
- DsHk's

*If you do not see an automatic weapon type that you intend on bringing, and want clarification, please PM myself with the specific name of the weapon system, and I will pass the ruling within a timely manner. PM's wasting my time about an M4 with a box mag will be ignored.


• 1.0 - 350.0 fps (0.01j - 1.07j) - Arms length engagement limit

• 350.1 - 410.0 fps (1.08 - 1.49j) - 20 foot engagement limit

• 410.1 - 500.0 fps (1.50j - 2.32j) – 50 foot engagement limit, bolt action or permanent* semi-auto replicas only

• 500.1 - 549.9 fps (2.33j - 2.69j) - Bolt action only

• 550.0+ fps (2.7j+) - Prohibited.

FPS is accounted for zero leeway in either direction. If even one shot goes over the top end, you're put in the next bracket. BANG KILLS DO NOT EXIST AT BASTARD EVENTS. If you're shooting higher than arms length you need a pistol to engage targets closer than your MED.

Polarstars can only chrono up to 1.55 joules with whatever weight BB they intend to use for the day, which will be marked on their chrono tag. All shooters are subject to random on field chronograph to prevent on field tampering. Any Polarstar shooter found shooting significantly hotter than 1.55 joules will be ejected from the field as a safety violator, no questions.

Permanent semi-auto means that only 1 BB is shot per trigger pull. Players spamming semi auto as if they're playing a paintball game will be asked to slow down their rate of fire, or use a different replica.

We will spot check player's weapons on the field. Those that have altered their weapons after chrono will be ejected immediately without refund.

Admin and Logistics:

Flag system: Tan is 1st Marine Division, Green is Russia

Radio frequencies:
We will be utilizing standard radio channels on field for official means of communication, any outside communications your squad uses is on you.
Channel 1: Admin channel, unless there is a real world emergency, please stay off this net
Channel 2-6: 1st Marine Division
Channel 7-11: Russia

 General Rules of the day:

- Each "base" will have a flag, the flags will be checked every two-four hours for points. Each base with a flag flipped for the respective team will award that team 10 points.

- Each mission completed will be worth 50 points, if a mission is failed, no points will be awarded.

- Points will be tallied up in the last 30 minutes of game play, in order to give all players the total count that day.

Airsoft Events / Bastards Rec Game @ Dirty Paintball 9/24/16
« on: August 28, 2016, 10:18:32 AM »
The Bastards will be hosting a recreational style event @ Dirty Paintball in Fenton, MI from 9am-5pm. Player attendance is expected to be somewhere around 60-75.

Cost of admission is $20, and full information with live updates on the field can be found on our Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1806175409628702/

FPS and safety rules are concurrent with MiA standard.

General timeline:
9am - Gates open, players should be arriving a few minutes prior and begin gearing up
9:30am - Registration and Chrono is open
10:00am - All hands briefing, rule overview, and 1st mission briefing
10:15am - First game is live, all games will have a 30 minute timer on them, before switching sides.
12:30pm - Lunch break for 45 minutes
1:15pm - Games resume
5:00pm - Endex

Roster: 7
KJones +3
Hunt + 2

Airsoft Events / Operation Ambient Light - 24 Hour MilSim, 10SEP2016
« on: June 13, 2016, 11:55:59 AM »
Operation Ambient Light

Date: 10SEP2016 - 11SEP2016

Time: 1000 - 1000
Location: Hole In The Wall Paintball
24262 66th St, Bangor, MI 49013


Timeline -
0800: Gates are open, players are encouraged to be there exactly on time
0830: Registration and Chrono 100% open and in effect, players should spend the initial 30 minutes jamming mags (EXCEPT ONE) and prepping gear
0915: Registration and Chrono is reduced to 50% staff, all hands safety briefing begins
0930: Safety briefing concludes, players walk out to starting positions on field.
1000: Game is live, multiple missions will be thrown at either side at any random time.

0846: Cease Fire is called for moment of silence in honor of the fallen during 9/11
0847: Game is live
1000: Endex

Age: 13+

All players are required to have AT LEAST full seal eye protection. Full seal can constitute an ANSI rated goggle system (traditional) or ANSI rated shooting glasses WITH FULL SEAL INSERTS. Shooting glasses as a standalone are not allowed on field.

Barrel bags are required when outside of the game field.


Teams, General Information, Camouflage Patterns, and Cap Limit

1st Marines:


Soviet Stauka VGK



Price will fall under the following timeline brackets. Unfortunately, the airsofter community is less than perfect when it comes to prepaying until the very last minute, as such the following price brackets will be in effect for this event. The goal here is to get payments as soon as possible, so we're able to buy the props and equipment for this event to be a success.

Price will increase $5.00 every two weeks, until we reach our final at the gate price of $50. Price bracket is broken down as such:
6/14/2016 - 6/28/2016: $30
6/29/2016 - 7/13/2016: $35
7/14/2016 - 7/28/2016: $40
7/29/2016 - 8/12/2016: $45
8/13/2016 - 9/10/2016: $50

Ticket admission will include entry for the 24 hour event. Food is something you'll need to figure out on your own, or as a team, however water will be provided. Enola Gaye Cold Burning Smoke EG-18 and WP-40s are available for purchase as well at the gate, price to be announced.

Prepayment PayPal account is BastardsMilsim@Gmail.com -- Please ensure this is in "Gift" format. If for any reason the event is cancelled all players will be refunded within a timely manner.

When sending payment, include your REAL name and team you'll be fighting for. If you want to stay with your friends, please make sure you all put the same Squad. People who show up at the door are subject to go wherever suits the team best.

REFUNDS: Since we are a local community host, we'll do our best to work with you on refunds. Once we get less than 30 days out from the event, we start making our Amazon orders and local surplus store runs to purchase props and equipment. Because of this, 8/10/2016 will be the FINAL DAY that we can support refunds. Please understand that we have overheads to cover as well, and just because you can no longer make it does not mean we can take back props that we've manipulated for the event.

Registration will only take effect once you've prepaid.

Weapons: All weapon platforms will be allowed, all weapons are confined to semi automatic only with exception of designated belt fed weapons. For the sake of the spirit of the game, please do your best to use Russian style weapon systems if you are going Russian, or M4 style weapon systems if you're going 1st Marine Division.

For clarification, a belt fed weapon platform is any weapon platform that would be comparable to its real steel counterpart in that it would require linked ammunition to fire, exception is given for the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) and similar weapons that can be fired with standard magazines. Some examples of allowed weapon platforms are:

- M249 SAW
- M240 (Golf or Bravo)
- .50 Cal Machine guns
- RPK's
- RPD's
- DsHk's

*If you do not see an automatic weapon type that you intend on bringing, and want clarification, please PM myself with the specific name of the weapon system, and I will pass the ruling within a timely manner. PM's wasting my time about an M4 with a box mag will be ignored.


• 1.0 - 350.0 fps (0.01j - 1.07j) - Arms length engagement limit

• 350.1 - 410.0 fps (1.08 - 1.49j) - 20 foot engagement limit

• 410.1 - 500.0 fps (1.50j - 2.32j) – 50 foot engagement limit, bolt action or permanent* semi-auto replicas only

• 500.1 - 549.9 fps (2.33j - 2.69j) - Bolt action only

• 550.0+ fps (2.7j+) - Prohibited.

FPS is accounted for zero leeway in either direction. If even one shot goes over the top end, you're put in the next bracket. BANG KILLS DO NOT EXIST AT BASTARD EVENTS. If you're shooting higher than arms length you need a pistol to engage targets closer than your MED.

Polarstars can only chrono up to 1.55 joules with whatever weight BB they intend to use for the day, which will be marked on their chrono tag. All shooters are subject to random on field chronograph to prevent on field tampering. Any Polarstar shooter found shooting significantly hotter than 1.55 joules will be ejected from the field as a safety violator, no questions.

Permanent semi-auto means that only 1 BB is shot per trigger pull. Players spamming semi auto as if they're playing a paintball game will be asked to slow down their rate of fire, or use a different replica.

We will spot check player's weapons on the field. Those that have altered their weapons after chrono will be ejected immediately without refund.

Admin and Logistics:

Flag system: Tan is 1st Marine Division, Green is Russia

Radio frequencies:
We will be utilizing standard radio channels on field for official means of communication, any outside communications your squad uses is on you.
Channel 1: Admin channel, unless there is a real world emergency, please stay off this net
Channel 2-6: 1st Marine Division
Channel 7-11: Russia

 General Rules of the day:

- Each "base" will have a flag, the flags will be checked every two-four hours for points. Each base with a flag flipped for the respective team will award that team 10 points.

- Each mission completed will be worth 50 points, if a mission is failed, no points will be awarded.

- Points will be tallied up in the last 30 minutes of game play, in order to give all players the total count that day.

Airsoft Events / Michigan v. Ohio MilSim - 07NOV2015
« on: October 01, 2015, 03:46:27 PM »
Michigan v. Ohio MilSim

Date: 07NOV2015

Time: 0800-1800
Location: Hell's Survivors
619 Pearl St, Pinckney, MI 48169



0800: Gates are open, players are encouraged to be there exactly on time
0830: Registration and Chrono 100% open and in effect, players should spend the initial 30 minutes jamming mags (EXCEPT ONE) and prepping gear
0915: Registration and Chrono is reduced to 50% staff, all hands safety briefing begins
0930: Safety briefing concludes, players walk out to starting positions on field.
1000: Game is live, multiple missions will be thrown at either side at any random time.
1800: Game concludes
1830: After party begins at nearest Buffalo Wild Wings. Something something sports teams and beer (for those of age).

Age: 14+

All players are required to have AT LEAST full seal eye protection. Full seal can constitute an ANSI rated goggle system (traditional) or ANSI rated shooting glasses WITH FULL SEAL INSERTS. Shooting glasses as a standalone are not allowed on field.

Anyone under the age of 18 MUST wear full face protection, this can be a paintball mask, combination goggles/mesh lower, or any shemagh/cloth wrap to cover the nose, mouth, and ears. Also, anyone under the age of 18 will require a guardian's signature on their waiver, it's best to do this online ahead of time in order to avoid wait times at the registration booth. Hell Survivor Rules, not ours.

Barrel bags are required when outside of the game field.


Teams, General Information, Camouflage Patterns, and Cap Limit





ROLE PLAYER/ASSISTANT STAFF GROUP: PLAYER CAP 10 (Must be approved by Mosin for Role Player Group before signing up)

Civilian Attire.

Will be the driving elements behind the scenarios thrown at either team, also assisting with basic Staffing of moving props in position for use.


Early Bird Prepay Option - $40 Includes all day admission, free HPA air, and a State Patch from the respective team. EARLY BIRD DEADLINE EXPIRES THE 1ST OF NOVEMBER. Our deposit on the field and prop acquisition is done two weeks prior to game start, so any last minute cancellations/plea for a refund will be directed here.

At The Gate / Past Early Bird Option - $50 - Includes all the same things as the Early Bird, but you're paying $10.00 more because it's an inconvenience to us, and doesn't allow for us to purchase all needed props for the event. If all positions sell out to prepays (Which they likely will), at the gate players will be turned away.

Media/Photographer Option - Free - Anyone wishing to come strictly as a combat photographer will be allowed free admission, and the ability to roam the field at will. You must be dressed in Civilian attire with a BRIGHT ORANGE OR YELLOW vest on. If at any point we see a combat photographer actively taking part in an engagement, you will be asked on the spot to pay the $50 admission fee, or leave.

Prepayment PayPal account is BastardsMilsim@Gmail.com -- Please ensure this is in "Gift" format. If for any reason the event is cancelled all players will be refunded within a timely manner. When sending payment, include your REAL name, callsign, and team you'll be fighting for. If you want to stay with your friends, please make sure you all put the same PLT and Squad. People who show up at the door are subject to go wherever needs fighters on the respective side.

Registration will only take effect once you've prepaid.

In order to Register, players much choose a Company (Team), as well as a Platoon, and Squad to register under. If a team wishes to reserve an entire squad (8 or more players) they must PM me before it is filled by outsiders, at which point I will lock it for one week to allow the team to collect prepayments and send them in. Roster information will be updated and maintained by myself, as I am actively working and attending school full time, please be patient for responses or updates.

Weapons: All weapon platforms will be allowed, all weapons are confined to semi automatic only with exception of designated belt fed weapons.

For clarification, a belt fed weapon platform is any weapon platform that would be comparable to its real steel counterpart in that it would require linked ammunition to fire, exception is given for the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) and similar weapons that can be fired with standard magazines. Some examples of allowed weapon platforms are:

- M249 SAW
- M240 (Golf or Bravo)
- .50 Cal Machine guns
- RPK's
- RPD's
- DsHk's

*If you do not see a weapon type that you intend on bringing, and want clarification, please PM myself with the specific name of the weapon system, and I will pass the ruling within a timely manner. PM's wasting my time about an M4 with a box mag will be ignored.

If you shoot a building/wall with a nerf rocket 203, and no moderator is around to see and verify, you wasted the rocket. We'll do our best to ensure we're always right where the action is, but there are only so many of us.

Medic Rules:

When a player is hit, he will fall to the ground as safely as possible. Dramatically acting out your downfall is encouraged. Once a player is down he’s considered “wounded”, and must remain there for A TOTAL OF THREE MINUTES. If a player that is laying down is getting shot at still, he may place a red kill rag on top of his head to further denote he’s down. If within the three minute time frame a medic from EITHER SIDE reaches the player and places a tourniquet on them, that player is back in play. If the tourniquet is placed from an opposing team, the player must remove mags and clear the round in the chamber ONLY IF INSTRUCTED TO DO SO by the opposing team. If this command is not given, the player may choose to perform trickery at any given time. Any instances of players abusing this rule will fall into our “Player discipline” chain. If a player has been instructed to take mags out it is also implied that he/she is zip tied, flex cuffed, and otherwise COMPLETELY UNABLE to resist or escape. A player may only become a POW for a period of NO LONGER than 15 minutes. This is to ensure players don’t miss out on half of the day because they’re sitting in a bunker.

If a player is not healed within the three minute time frame, he/she is considered “bled out” and must follow around the squad he/she is working with, with a red kill rag on, until the squad reaches a captured position. Captured positions are the only locations where players are able to entirely reset themselves and become 100% in play again. A captured position is defined as any position which has been taken by the friendly forces, has the appropriate flag hanging out, and is not currently under fire. There are over 10 of these locations on field, so there is never more than a 100 meter walk for the individuals before they’re back in the fight.

If any player is knowingly seen attempting to steal The Bastards medic system properties, that player will be ejected from the field and will be blacklisted from any further events for a duration of no less than one year. We honor any/all of Pagan's "No Limit" blacklisted players, and they honor ours. Being blacklisted at one of our events will likely mean no more outdoor airsoft on sanctioned fields for however long a period.


Anyone caught breaking the above rule will be sit out and be talked to by the referees. Everyone has been playing airsoft long enough to know these rules and it is extremely detrimental to everyone's fun when a dead player begins calling out an enemy movement that had gone unnoticed. It is also detrimental when you are killing enemy combatants and they simply get up instantly and walk to their medic. Don't do this.


• 1.0 - 350.0 fps (0.01j - 1.07j) - Arms length engagement limit

• 350.1 - 410.0 fps (1.08 - 1.49j) - 20 foot engagement limit

• 410.1 - 500.0 fps (1.50j - 2.32j) – 50 foot engagement limit, bolt action or permanent* semi-auto replicas only

• 500.1 - 549.9 fps (2.33j - 2.69j) - Bolt action only

• 550.0+ fps (2.7j+) - Prohibited.

FPS is accounted for zero leeway in either direction. If even one shot goes over the top end, you're put in the next bracket. BANG KILLS DO NOT APPLY. If you're shooting higher than arms length you need a pistol to engage targets closer than your MED.

Polarstars can only chrono up to 1.55 joules with whatever weight BB they intend to use for the day, which will be marked on their chrono tag. All shooters are subject to random on field chronograph to prevent on field tampering. Any Polarstar shooter found shooting significantly hotter than 1.55 joules will be ejected from the field as a safety violator, no questions.

Permanent semi-auto means that only 1 BB is shot per trigger pull.

We will spot check player's weapons on the field. Those that have altered their weapons after chrono will be ejected immediately without refund.

Admin and Logistics:

Flag system: Tan is TEAM OHIO, and Green is TEAM MICHIGAN. A base is only captured and able to be used as a reset point once the flag is flipped, and no direct fire is being taken from opposing teams.

Radio frequencies:
We will be utilizing standard radio channels on field for official means of communication, any outside communications your squad uses is on you.
Channel 1: Admin channel, unless there is a real world emergency, please stay off this net
Channel 2-6: TEAM MICHIGAN
Channel 7-11: TEAM OHIO

 General Rules of the day:

- Each "base" will have a flag, the flags will be checked at 1200, 1400 and 1600 for points. Each base with a flag flipped for the respective team will award that team 10 points.

- Each mission completed will be worth 50 points, if a mission is failed, no points will be awarded.

- Points will be tallied up in the last 30 minutes of game play, in order to give all players the total count that day. Winner will claim dominance in bb warz ability, as well as having a better sports teams and beer.

Airsoft Events / Operation: Geronimo II - 12SEP2015
« on: July 27, 2015, 12:53:53 PM »

Date: 12SEP2015

Time: 1400-2200
Location: Hell's Survivors
619 Pearl St, Pinckney, MI 48169


1130: Players may begin to arrive. Chrono and registration will have been set up by this time. All players are encouraged to arrive around this time, to ensure everyone is ready to go.
1300: All hands safety briefing at the stage. Briefing shouldn't take more than 20 minutes.
1330: Players are broken into respective sides with leadership, and squad proctor will issue the first mission to the leadership. Leadership then has whatever remaining time to formulate a battle plan.
1400: Game is live, like it or not.
1401-1530: Mission 1, Link up
1545-1730: Mission 2, Recon Teams
1745-1930: Mission 3, Target Acquired
1945-2200: Mission 4, Body Bags
2201: Endex, all hands are required to leave the field no later than 2300.

** All Missions will include a 15 minute briefing from the respective squad proctor, as well as a 15 minute debrief and follow on mission briefing **

Age: 15+

All players are required to have AT LEAST full seal eye protection. Full seal can constitute an ANSI rated goggle system (traditional) or ANSI rated shooting glasses WITH FULL SEAL INSERTS. Shooting glasses as a standalone are not allowed on field.

Anyone under the age of 18 MUST wear full face protection, this can be a paintball mask, combination goggles/mesh lower, or any shemagh/cloth wrap to cover the nose, mouth, and ears. Also, anyone under the age of 18 will require a guardian's signature on their waiver, it's best to do this online ahead of time in order to avoid wait times at the registration booth. Hell Survivor Rules, not ours.

Barrel bags are required when outside of the game field.

Teams, General Information, Camouflage Patterns, and Cap Limit

Filipino Special Forces & SEAL Team 6: PLAYER CAP 60 (25 for ST6, 35 for FSF)


Filipino Special Forces & Seal Team 6 (Black Team) will be serving as the main elements of the "Good Guys" team. While SEAL Team 6 will be given slightly more qualified missions, both groups will be placed in quite difficult scenarios that will require excellent gun slinging abilities.



CIA SAD will be tasked with doing the infiltration work on behalf of ST6 and FSF. The ability to sneak into bases without being detected, or being able to speak among the locals is key here. If you consider yourself a smooth talker and a good concealer of sub machine guns and pistols, this might be a good position for you. Owning a set of Abu Abu clothing for further concealment is probably a good idea.

Abu Abu : PLAYER CAP 65


The main "OpFor" for the day. Primarily will be operating as 5-10 man Terrorist "Cells" with exception to the bigger missions. Dressing the part for this is mainly what's going to sell the roll. Please only sign up to this role if you're invested in the "Spirit of the game" and don't plan on showing up in full AOR1 with a tricked out M4 to play for a terrorist cell.

ROLE PLAYER GROUP: PLAYER CAP 25 (Must be approved by Mosin for Role Player Group before signing up)

Civilian Attire.

Will be tasked with doing quite a bit of work that DOES NOT require you being armed. Bring weapons and gear all the same, as utilization of you on either side may be needed depending on how the mission plays out. Likely will be walking around, throwing small rocks and heckling either side though. Ideal for those that are into very much getting into the whole role play aspect of the game.


Early Bird Prepay Option - $35 Includes Operation Geronimo II Patch, Bastards Wristband, and all day admission into the event. Early Bird Prepay option will expire 14 days away from the event, as I'll be purchasing props at that time and all payments will then become non refundable.

Role Player Prepay Option - $25 - Includes Operation Geronimo II Patch, Bastards Wristband, and all day admission into the event. Because this role is going to be a good bit less shooting and more for the immersion aspect, $25 is the lowest discount we can offer while still being able to cover our overhead. If you wish to be a role player and have absolutely zero desire to shoot all day, please PM me and we can work something out.

At The Gate / Past Early Bird Option - $40 - Includes all the same things as the Early Bird, but you're paying $5.00 more because it's an inconvenience to us, and doesn't allow for us to purchase all needed props for the event. If all positions sell out to prepays (Which they likely will), at the gate players will be turned away.

Media/Photographer Option - Free - Anyone wishing to come strictly as a combat photographer will be allowed free admission, and the ability to roam the field at will. You must be dressed in Civilian attire with a BRIGHT ORANGE OR YELLOW vest on. If at any point we see a combat photographer actively taking part in an engagement, you will be asked on the spot to pay the $40 admission fee.

Prepayment PayPal account is: bastardsairsoftevents@gmail.com -- Please ensure this is in "Gift" format. If for any reason the event is cancelled all players will be refunded within a timely manner.When sending payment, include your REAL name, callsign, specific team, and squad within the team you wish to fight for. All information MUST be provided in the notes.

Registration will only take effect once you've prepaid.

In order to Register, players much choose a Company (Team), as well as a Platoon, and Squad to register under. If a team wishes to reserve an entire squad (8 or more players) they must PM me before it is filled by outsiders, at which point I will lock it for one week to allow the team to collect prepayments and send them in. Roster information will be updated and maintained by myself, as I am actively working and attending school full time, please be patient for responses or updates.

Weapons: All weapon platforms will be allowed, all weapons are confined to semi automatic only with exception of designated belt fed weapons.

For clarification, a belt fed weapon platform is any weapon platform that would be comparable to its real steel counterpart in that it would require linked ammunition to fire, exception is given for the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) and similar weapons that can be fired with standard magazines. Some examples of allowed weapon platforms are:

- M249 SAW
- M240 (Golf or Bravo)
- .50 Cal Machine guns
- RPK's
- RPD's
- DsHk's

*If you do not see a weapon type that you intend on bringing, and want clarification, please PM myself with the specific name of the weapon system, and I will pass the ruling within a timely manner.

If you shoot a building/wall with a nerf rocket 203, and no moderator is around to see and verify, you wasted the rocket. We'll do our best to ensure we're always right where the action is, but there are only so many of us.

Medic Rules:

When a player is hit, he will fall to the ground as safely as possible. Dramatically acting out your downfall is encouraged. Once a player is down he’s considered “wounded”, and must remain there for A TOTAL OF THREE MINUTES. If a player that is laying down is getting shot at still, he may place a red kill rag on top of his head to further denote he’s down. If within the three minute time frame a medic from EITHER SIDE reaches the player and places a tourniquet on them, that player is back in play. If the tourniquet is placed from an opposing team, the player must remove mags and clear the round in the chamber ONLY IF INSTRUCTED TO DO SO by the opposing team. If this command is not given, the player may choose to perform trickery at any given time. Any instances of players abusing this rule will fall into our “Player discipline” chain. If a player has been instructed to take mags out it is also implied that he/she is zip tied, flex cuffed, and otherwise COMPLETELY UNABLE to resist or escape. A player may only become a POW for a period of NO LONGER than 15 minutes. This is to ensure players don’t miss out on half of the day because they’re sitting in a bunker.

If a player is not healed within the three minute time frame, he/she is considered “bled out” and must follow around the squad he/she is working with, with a red kill rag on, until the squad reaches a captured position. Captured positions are the only locations where players are able to entirely reset themselves and become 100% in play again. A captured position is defined as any position which has been taken by the friendly forces, has the appropriate flag hanging out, and is not currently under fire. There are over 10 of these locations on field, so there is never more than a 100 meter walk for the individuals before they’re back in the fight.

If any player is knowingly seen attempting to steal The Bastards medic system properties, that player will be ejected from the field and will be blacklisted from any further events for a duration of no less than one year. We honor any/all of Pagan's "No Limit" blacklisted players, and they honor ours. Being blacklisted at one of our events will likely mean no more outdoor airsoft on sanctioned fields for however long a period.


Anyone caught breaking the above rule will be sit out and be talked to by the referees. Everyone has been playing airsoft long enough to know these rules and it is extremely detrimental to everyones fun when a dead player begins calling out an enemy movement that had gone unnoticed. It is also detrimental when you are killing enemy combatants and they simply get up instantly and walk to their medic. Don't do this.

• 1.0 - 340.9 fps (0.01j - 1.07j) - Arms length engagement limit

• 341.0 - 400.9 fps (1.08 - 1.49j) - 20 foot engagement limit

• 401.0 - 500.9 fps (1.50j - 2.32j) – 50 foot engagement limit, bolt action or permanent* semi-auto replicas only

• 501.0 - 539.9 fps (2.33j - 2.69j) - Bolt action only

• 540.0+ fps (2.7j+) - Prohibited.

10 fps leeway is given in either direction, not any more.

Polarstars can only chrono up to 1.55 joules, all shooters are subject to random on field chronograph to prevent on field tampering. Any Polarstar shooter found shooting significantly hotter than 1.55 joules will be ejected from the field as a safety violator, no questions.

Permanent semi-auto means that only 1 BB is shot per trigger pull.

We will spot check player's weapons on the field. Those that have altered their weapons after chrono will be ejected immediately without refund.

Admin and Logistics:

Flag system: Tan is SEAL Team 6 & FSF, and Green is Abu Abu. A base is only captured and able to be used as a reset point once the flag is flipped, and no direct fire is being taken from opposing teams.

Radio frequencies:
We will be utilizing standard radio channels on field for official means of communication, any outside communications your squad uses is on you.
Channel 1: Admin channel, unless there is a real world emergency, please stay off this net
Channel 2-6: SEAL TEAM 6 & FSF , CO may break this down as he pleases
Channel 7-11: Abu Abu , Bravo CO may break this down as he pleases

Clothing & Load Bearing Gear / Packing for MilSim West
« on: June 30, 2015, 12:36:59 PM »
Hey guys, I figured I'd make a small post about what exactly I packed for MilSim West, to give those of you that haven't done one yet just another guys perspective from what he brought, what was needed, and what could have stayed at home.

First off, I should point out that our team was responsible for role playing and administrative assistance during the OP. This meant packing things like a set of woodland cammies, deserts, flight suits, and civilian attire, which obviously can be skipped if you're just playing as one team. I'll break everything down in categories of weapons and mags, main line of gear, and long term sustainment items.

Weapons and Mags:
At MilSim West, the rifleman is only issued 500 rounds. These rounds can be taken from an opposing player if they're still in the loose bag that they come in, this means you'll need to have all those mags jammed up as soon as you're issued rounds. In case math isn't your strong suit, you can easily get away with only have 4-5 midcaps on you, rather than something around 8-10 for some of the bigger events. I personally only had three AK mags when I was using that, and only two for the Maruzen when I was sniping.

On a somewhat related note, grenades are honored much more so at these events than other locations, mainly because of the "spirit of the game" rule which says if someone is spending $8-10 on a grenade toss for both yours and his immersion purposes, you should probably call yourself dead if it lands within a few feet of you, even if a BB doesn't technically make contact with you. Because of this reason, I'd advise everyone goes with at least 2 pea grenades on them, or something similar.

Main line of gear:

This depends entirely on the team you're playing for, and since I don't know much about Russian kit I'll just stick with the American load out. For me personally, I think having a load bearing vest would have been the smartest idea. Obviously AO dependent, but Darlington boasted 100+ degree heat, so trapping body heat in isn't a very good idea. I'd also recommend if you MUST wear a helmet due to constantly tapping your noggin on stuff, or running nods, I'd advise getting one with port holes in the top, like a bump helmet that can breath easier.

For my plate carrier I ran enough mag pouches to hold 7 M4 style mags, as well as a general purpose pouch for hiding what few small amount of rounds I had left, and a Nalgene 1Qt pouch, to hold water for patrols. I ended up actually never using the nalgene, but instead had a regular issued canteen in my cargo pocket that I found myself burning through quite constantly. Water is both the medic revival system as well as something that is issued out at both main bases, which means packing in 3-4 gallons of water for your entire stay is not only unnecessary, but dangerous.

I kept the back side of my plate carrier open so my ruck could fit more comfortably on it. This ended up working out really well.

Sustainment Gear:

For this I purchased a Kelty 3500 MAP, and it did everything I needed it to and more. Inside the main pocket I had the following:
1 - 3L Camelbak, filled maybe 2/3rd's to the top (Fits inside a sleeve on the inside).
1 - Woobie blanket
1 - Waterproof field tarp, USMC woodland digital
1 - One man pop up tent (Catoma IBNS Tactical Shelter). Literally the most compact one man guaranteed bug blocker out there. If you've got the appropriate site for it's application, I'd recommend.
1 - 100' of Paracord, for securing down the tarp as shade/rain block, as well as general purpose
2 - Ranger rolls. Basically take a set of socks, underwear, and a t shirt and roll them up tightly. I took a few extra pairs of socks, but it was perfect for shirt and skivvy requirement.
1 - E-Tool, for digging a fighting position if need be, but mainly if you're off the grid and away from the porta potties, and nature calls, you can dig a good foot down cat hole.
1 - Half roll of TP and baby wipes, air sealed inside a 1 gallon freezer bag.
3 - 1 Gallon Freezer Bags (waterproofing and trash collection bags)
3 - Sandwich bags (waterproofing)
5 - Mountain House Freeze dried foods. I only used 2, but that was because civilization was literally 10 minutes away from the AO site, so we went and grabbed a final burger before game started Friday, so I basically only had to cover Saturday morning, and night. Hindsight 20/20 I'll maybe take 3 now.
1 - Jetboil, spare matches, and stand. Worth it's weight in gold to be able to have boiling water within 2 minutes of pulling it out of your bag.
1 - Camping fork
1 - Canteen with canteen cup
1 - Shemagh
1 - Spare set of contact lenses, case, solution, glasses, tooth brush, paste, deodorant, and a small baggy of motrin.
1 - Spare batteries, 4 AA's, AAA's, and 123's, as well as a spare iCom IC-F4011 battery. Two batteries lasted me the entire 40 hours with comms being on.

That's about all I took with me. Basically you're in it for 40 hours, but there are safety stand down situations. One of them would be 100 degree heat and an equal amount of humidity, which means you'll have a bit of time you're just standing around. Having a dedicated squad that can both hold security during those times and rest and refit is ideal.

Hindsight 20/20, I think I overpacked a little bit, but even at full ruck load I didn't even have 20lbs of stuff in the bag, and once I had my main sleep area figured out I had even more room than before, so I just slapped a gallon jug of water on top of everything else I was carrying, to help resupply other guys who had been out for a few hours longer than myself.

Sorry I didn't have the chance to nab a bunch of pictures. We were pretty rushed during launch day, and now everything is pretty spread all over the place. Obvious items like eye pro, gloves, batteries and speed loaders I didn't mention, because everyone's gun is different in that regard. If you've been playing airsoft long enough, you should know about how many hours and rounds you can expect to get out of a battery. While you may need 3-4 batteries for a different type of game, bare in mind that you're only issued 500 rounds, and then resupply only happens every so often, so literally 2 batteries should do it for you, unless you're a machine gunner.

Thanks for reading, hit me up with any questions you might have here, and I'll do my best to answer it.

Recruitment / The Bastards are looking for a few good men
« on: June 03, 2015, 04:08:34 PM »
The Bastards

Founded in August of 2014 by Mosin and Troub, The Bastards were created in order to provide a next level MilSim experience to Michigan as a whole, in addition to fostering a team that was both a brotherhood, as well as an elite unit of bb warz gunslingers. We try not to take ourselves too serious, but we do have credentials to backup our tactics and we do train as often as possible together. Our camouflage base patterns are Woodland M81 (Three color), Woodland MARPAT, and Desert MARPAT (Typically FROG cut, authentic, non clone brands). Our kits are mainly coyote brown plate carriers or LBVs with either a ruck or assault pack, depending on the event.

How to: Join The Bastards
In order to join The Bastards, applicants MUST:
- Be at least 18 years of age or older, preferred 21+, however exceptions can be made for outstanding candidates.

- Be able to meet our physical fitness standards. While we aren't athletic superstars, we do pride ourselves on being physically fit enough to go an entire 24/40 hour event or more without feeling muscle fatigue. Being able to sprint to buildings or a bunker or objective is a large component in how we operate.

- Be willing to train, attend, and/or host airsoft events at least once a month. We understand this may be a tough requirement, but we like our members to be active in the community. Should you get patched in, players who do not contribute to the team forums, don't show up to training, don't come to events, and fail to constantly better themselves will likely find themselves removed during the first 90 days of being patched in as a probie.

- Have a reliable mode of transportation. We typically take turns carpooling to events, so having a vehicle that can help get you there is a must.

- Prior to being patched in, you must own at least one set of Woodland and Desert USMC Digital camouflage. Our current team camouflage patterns are Woodland and Desert FROG suits, and M81 Woodland.

- Own an M4 or M249 SAW platform.

How to: Apply to The Bastards
In order to apply to The Bastards, please send the following template (Filled out) to: Mosin16@Gmail.com - in the Email Title please put your Callsign followed by "Bastard Application"

 - Name(Full please):

 - Age:

 - Callsign:

 - How many weekends per Month are you available for airsoft purposes? (Training, attending, hosting, bbqs, ect...)

 - Do you own reliable transportation, and do you consider yourself financially secure? At least enough to make the one event/game a month minimum?

 - Relevant Training (Any real world experience? Shooting courses attended?):

 - Years playing Airsoft:

 - Weapon Platforms you currently possess(Primaries, Secondaries, and the dust collectors -- whatever is relevant):

 - Current Rig setup(The team uses Coyote Brown plate carriers, however this is not mandatory):

 - Why do you want to be part of The Bastards?

 - Why should we accept you on The Bastards?

 - What do you expect from this joining this team?

Upon completion of this application, The Bastards team will review it. Typically if we see you at an event we'd prefer you to introduce yourself to us, to help put a face to name. It also wouldn't hurt to try and get in contact with us prior to an event we're attending to figure out what camouflage pattern we're running, so you can shoot alongside us. If it's determined that you're a serious candidate, the following will happen.

Stage I: Candidate introduces himself via application letter, Bastards Members will review application, and if the player seems to have taken his time on the application and took it seriously, will be advanced to Stage II.

Stage II (Interchangeable): Candidate plays alongside The Bastards at one event, The Bastards will gauge Candidate tactics, sportsmanship, and professionalism as a player. At least one Member of The Bastards will need to vouch for you before we go any further.

Stage III (Interchangeable): Candidate will usually be invited to hang out off field with The Bastards, we will then see how well we mesh off field, probably after an event.

Stage IV: Candidate will be offered a probie spot on The Bastards. Upon being offered a probie position, candidate will be on a "Probationary period" that will not end until both 90 days and two events attended as a Bastard have happened.

Once you've proven yourself at probie status for the required amount of time, you'll eventually slink into the member group. Obvious acts of selflessness and devotion to team will speed up this process, although a typical "Candidate to Member" process can typically take about 6-9 months, as we're only meeting up once or twice a month. C'mon, it's not like we're going to kiss on the first date or anything, right?

Anyone applying to The Bastards is encouraged NOT to make any purchases that the applicant wouldn't already be making otherwise (I.E: Don't buy woodland and desert FROG suits and Coyote Brown kit just to fit in a little better with us during candidate stages).

Candidates can be dropped at any time, for any reason. Although we will message you to inform you of this decision, we hope that you maintain a strong level of maturity and respect our decision. If you feel it was made in error, please elaborate on it and we'll go from there.

All applications are kept on file for not longer than 60 days before either acceptance into the next stage or denial. Applicants will receive an email either way. Once an application is taken into the "Stage II" process, applicants will remain on file permanently until a decision is reached on advancing to "Stage III" or denial.

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