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Messages - Stinger

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The Gallery / Re: Combat Footage (The in game video thread)
« on: January 31, 2016, 12:13:06 AM »

The Gallery / Re: Post Your AR Variants
« on: January 26, 2016, 11:21:12 PM »

Airsoft Discussion / Re: Operation Northern Light 2016 Trenton
« on: January 12, 2016, 02:56:46 PM »
There will be multiple MiA groups organized. I have no doubt you will have somewhere to fit in with friendly people.

Airsoft Discussion / Re: Operation Northern Light 2016 Trenton
« on: January 10, 2016, 07:09:11 PM »
GSAT has plans to go.

Airsoft Discussion / Re: Operation Northern Light 2016 Trenton
« on: January 09, 2016, 04:11:42 PM »
Yes, it has been confirmed.

Tech Questions / Re: Systema M4A1 PTW in need of repair
« on: January 03, 2016, 12:11:09 AM »
I know that Mosin knows some local guy who can work on PTWs. Try to contact him. That's all I know.

Airsoft Discussion / Re: South east action?
« on: December 31, 2015, 01:41:16 PM »
Honestly it wouldn't be a problem for me if HPA didn't inherently joule-creep. They aren't going by joules at Phoenix, they're going by FPS with a 0.20-gram BB. So a guy could chrono at that but then switch to using 0.30-gram BBs and suddenly he's shooting 1.3J rounds out 15 times a second into you at less than three feet.

Airsoft Discussion / Re: South east action?
« on: December 30, 2015, 02:45:07 PM »
I was at Phoenix last Saturday and will be going out this Saturday with some buddies. The employees are pretty good people, and there's a maximum velocity limit of 350 FPS with a 0.20-gram BB. The only issues I encountered was HPA spam and younger players carrying out general tomfoolery in the staging area.

My primary M4 is a constant project of mine.

Tech Questions / Re: Motor Issue
« on: December 19, 2015, 11:11:00 PM »
If you want absolutely perfect shimming, re-shimming should be done.
However, having a motor heat up and even smell is somewhat normal, especially of standard 16-TPA motors. You're most likely smelling the brush material or the arcing from the brush-commutator contact.
If these symptoms weren't present before, it could mean that the setup is under additional stress, you have a connection issue (causing a higher amperage draw or a short), and/or the motor is wearing/burning out.

Tech Questions / Re: Stinger's Teching Guides
« on: December 14, 2015, 10:28:56 PM »
Good motor overview, this covers all of the basic important info that the average user needs to know. I also think that it is worth mentioning that slower high torque motors can be compensated for by using a low ratio gearset. This can result in equivalent rate of fire but more efficient operation and less heat buildup in the motor. If a motor is the only upgrade that you plan on doing then a 16TPA Neo motor from SHS or one of the many other companies that they are sold under these days is probably one of the best all around choices, but if you are willing to upgrade the gearset to a lower ratio such as a 13:1 or 12:1 from SHS then a higher TPA such as the 22TPA JG Blue or ZCI torque are great options.
Most of that kind of stuff will be covered when I do an overview of gears. Explaining how you can compensate for low rotational velocity with lower-ratio gears just seemed a bit of a tangent for the focus of the motor video, but I did consider it in my original script.

I currently have a frankentorque in both of my primaries right now, one of which has a Riot 10:1 setup and the other is an shs 12:1. The 10:1 setup is incredible and when combined with a BTC spectre using precocking the trigger response is as good as just about anything out there. However, I find that the 12:1 setup actually has worse trigger response than a ZCI 22TPA on SHS 13:1s in my friend's SR25. I plan to switch to a 22TPA arm soon to make up for it. All of these comparisons were done on equivalent 11.1V lipos.
I just put a 10:1 Siegetek gearset into my primary. It also has a 22-TPA ZCI motor and the trigger response is quite amazing.

It's a shame but with the popularity of HPA guns this information will probably be irrelevant to a lot of people. Maybe people will get over it eventually or a superior system will come out but I just cannot handle external air rigs and I think drop in HPA setups provide way too easy of a way to achieve high performance that often tends to lead to superiority complexes and poor sportsmanship on the field.
The superiority complex has a much larger cause than the effortless high performance that HPA provides. I think that the superiority complex is an underlying issue, but people who have it are drawn towards the effortless performance setup.
With that said, I simply find that HPA offers little advantage for my current primary. I plan on making an HPA DMR in the future but for a totally different loadout that is meant for stalking. My current loadout is set up for dynamic, rapid assault and as such is slim and light. An HPA rig would just encumber the entire principle of the setup and offer little advantage over my current primary.

Tech Questions / Re: Stinger's Teching Guides
« on: December 13, 2015, 06:09:34 PM »
Overview of motors in AEGs:

Airsoft Discussion / Re: advice?
« on: December 10, 2015, 02:26:16 PM »
Definitely stay in the lower FPS ranges. The ability to go close range far exceeds the slight range boost that higher velocities give you.

After Action Reports / Re: Michigan vs. Ohio 11/07/2015
« on: November 20, 2015, 02:37:20 PM »
...I prefer longer clips that show more context rather than just a "highlight reel." Others may diagree but especially for games that I was at I enjoy seeing things from another player's point of view but it's hard to do when the video is just short clips overlayed with music. IMO it's totally okay to show yourself getting hit, etc since it's everything that happens in between that really helps put things in context.
I would love to have to do less editing and just make videos like that, but the majority of my 1,200-person subscriber base prefers videos with higher production quality. Most of the people that watch my videos were not at the event, so they are more interested in seeing what happened in a condensed format. I'm putting out 30-40 minute videos but my average view is still only 9 minutes long, which tells me that most people are not even watching the entire condensed version.

After Action Reports / Re: Michigan vs. Ohio 11/07/2015
« on: November 18, 2015, 08:54:11 PM »
Mosin made it seem like Ohio was coming at us with much more organized planning and structure, so I put a significant effort into having a communications network and somewhat of a plan.

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