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My son's contractor loadout;)

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So my son turned three and what's a good gun toting dad to do but buy him a fake gun along with a little chest rig/plate carrier backpack combination deal;) He's having fun with it;)

Figured you guys might get a kick out of it, yesterday he was running around saying "I'm ready for airsoft daddy!";) Gotta start them young with guns and gear;) He's going to do well playing "war" with his cousins out here in the woods;)


Where do you even find a plate carrier like that?

Strangely Walmart of all places;) I was looking around for a toy or something interesting last week when we were in town. I saw some backpacks with toy guns and I thought that was a little lame but alright. Started looking for squirt guns and things like that he would get a kick out of but couldn't find anything I thought he could run well etc. Since he has a bit of trouble with the trigger pull or how much pressure it takes so I was looking for something decently built with a light trigger but didn't find much. Well making another lap near the backpack/gun combo's in ACU I saw behind them an OD plate carrier type of rig with a backpack as well;) And at that point I knew it would be his, since it was just too cool;)

The mag pouches are too small for anything but maybe pistol mags in real life to give an idea of scale. But it came with a little rubber kabar knock off and two grenades as well. The grenades fit in the pockets and I might make a sheath for the knife for him to mount on the strap;) I'm thinking about making a small 3 point sling setup for the gun, as well I'll likely take and mask the muzzle so it stays orange and paint the rest of the gun with an OD base with some camo on top of that just to make it cooler;)

He's also got a 1911 that I had as a kid which is like 60% scale and just clicks the hammer on each trigger pull DAO like. Which he's got a holster for out of my misfit items from the shop, and once he's a little older I've got an anniversary NRA BB pistol revolver that is the same size as a Colt Single Action. But it's going to wait until he's older and capable of handling it, not that it shoots hard enough to be very dangerous but still.

One thing I'd like to find and haven't looked for is what I think of as the genesis to airsoft. I had little BB pistols as a kid they were orange and the BB's came on a sheet with little connecting pieces. Basically you tore the BB's off the sheet and they were shot/thrown from the gun with a little spring loaded arm basically that physically hit the BB to fling it out of the barrel, they were accurate to about 4 feet but they were really not dangerous and would be a good start to him and his cousins playing with projectile firing items;) I thought about nerf but I can't justify the expense of the darts with how many they will loose. If I can find some of the little guns like I had I'm pretty sure they will fire airsoft BB's, and dirty or not won't matter with the way they were built. So they could run around my yard and shoot any of the thousands of BB's that are all over around the house and have virtually unlimited ammo;)


Good job, Luke. We need to educate the next generation!

Walmart you say? I must now go buy this for my 2 year old! Haha.


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