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Pre game music.

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Saw a thread on /airsoft about the same thing and I figured I'd start one here. I love finding new songs and music whenever possible, so let's see what you guys are listening too.

I listen to this on mornings when I'm feeling groggy as well as on the way to the field.

Red Fang - Prehistoric Dog

(Mod please move to appropriate sub if needed)

I thought this was going to be a thread about the dudes who blare their really bad EDM super loud at games while everyone is gearing up...

As for pre-gaming music.

As a pretty prince of parties and certified party doctor, I recommend taking these two before party, side-effects include fucking shit up, being awesome, getting ladies, tequila, trying to throw someone out a window.

follw up with

Proceed to destroying the dignity and self-respect of everyone around you.

If you begin to feel the effects wearing off, please treat with :

I'm a little more old school;) I've been lately digging the classics of the 80's and 90's(sadly classics now, not sure when I got old).

AC/DC Thunderstruck;)

Granted typically not airsoft pre game music I end up too busy prepping to do much before hand but try to get things around, but it does help me in the shop when I need some energy and just not feeling it. Which happens to be today, so AC/DC is currently running very loud in the shop and will be for the next 8 or 9 hours;)


In contrast, I typically listen to newer music (all of my favorite albums are from the past decade, and two are less than a year old). Here's a little taste of Celldweller's soon to be released album:

FYI I'm interpreting this thread as the "What music are you listening to right now?" thread. I don't play music at airsoft games (except during the drive to the field).

Actually Snarf, what you're listening to on the way to a game was what I was looking for. But for me I listen to almost anything.  But on the way to light some of you fine people up with some plastic, this is some of what I'm groovin.
Good for pillaging a village...

And another for just kicking in some face


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