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How do you load large capacity magazines?


What type of device do you use to load large capacity rifle magazines? I have a charger for a Glock pistol but don't have anything for an AK. I did search.

What do you mean by a "large capacity magazine" do you mean a Hi-Cap?
If so then you don't need anything special.  Just open the door at the top and dump BB's in.

If you are talking about a Mid-Cap that holds more than standard then you just need a speedloader to push the BB's in through the feed hole at the top. They come in various shapes and sizes and hold various amounts of BB's, (I prefer the KWA M-4 mag speedloader,) but all work basically the same.  There is a plunger that you depress to force ~5 BB's at a time into the feed hole.

I do have the "hi cap" loading device for the Glock. I guess I can also use it for any other "hi cxap" mags, ie. AK, AR, etc, regardless of type. Thanks for the response.


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