Gear > Clothing & Load Bearing Gear

Flyye Streamline

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Hey guy long time no... well see doesn't really fit, but anyways not on topic. Recently I purchased a Flyye Industries Streamline, as Airsoftmegastore calls the pc, and was wondering if anyone has experience switching at the cummerbund for one with MOLLE weaving. Everything I look into it always comes up with sales of pc's that have cummerbunds or something completely off topic. If anyone can help me out in my endeavor I would greatly appreciate it.

Huh, I've never heard of that PC. Maybe the Flyye FAPC cummerbund will work, or their swift (JPC) 3 band skeletal.


Can the elastic cummerbund be removed? How does it attach? I can't tell from the photos.

If it attaches through a channel in the rear plate bag then you should be able to use a standard MOLLE cummerbund.

No it doesn't seem so. It looks like they had it stitched in at the back. I've been looking at possible ways to add real estate to the cummerbund area. It's just a one big thing of elastic material at the moment. I can get pics in awhile, but if you want a reference to what I'm talking about these are links to the actual products from the retailers I could find selling them.

 Also sorry it took long for the reply. Just started myself a new job and I'm having issues with Dell about something else.

If the cummerbund is stitched to the rear plate bag and there's no slot in the rear plate bag for standard cummerbund then I'd say you're SOL as far as attaching one. You might be able to buy a Crye Airlite (or replica) cummerbund and then weave the cummerbund onto the rear of the PC with the included shock-cord. You could then either cut off the elastic c-bund or just overlap it with the skeletal one.


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