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Messages - luke213

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AEG / Re: Is it worth it to switch to Lipo
« on: June 24, 2018, 05:17:24 PM »
That depends, so a 7.4v doesn't require anything just works. I'd wire to deans while you're at it but otherwise it should be about normal maybe slight ROF increase compared to an 8.4v NiCAD/NiMH. But with an 11.1v it completely depends on the gun you can have it just work, or you can get pre-engagement and strip a piston;) Or it might weld the trigger contacts first time out too. It's really an unknown once you start pushing higher voltage, there isn't anything wrong with that, but if you aren't tech savy I'd stick with 7.4v lipo's myself. If you want to fix stuff, start bumping up to 11.1v and fix as you go.


AEG / Re: Is it worth it to switch to Lipo
« on: June 09, 2018, 08:33:12 AM »
Yes in my opinion there virtually isn't any other type of battery I'd use in an AEG anymore:) And that's from someone who has been involved in the sport/hobby since the early 2000's. I started with NiCAD and later NiMH and then went lipo a few years ago. I'll never go back to using anything but lipo or some new battery chemistry.

Reason is both the ability to push power, but also they just hold so much more capacity wise and seem to be even less work to keep running well. Also within reason you can run most stock guns on a 2S 7.4v lipo without adding a lipo, and I haven't really seen too much of a detriment to trigger contacts and such over a NiCAD or NiMH battery in those cases. I've seen a few that failed, but I saw trigger contacts fail under the older batteries also. Now that said if you go to a 3S or 11.1V lipo then I'd recommend a mosfet, again you can skirt it for a while but that's a shorter run until the contacts fail.

Also a mosfet isn't a bad investment anyways for most guns doesn't need to be fancy(if you search I did a thread on cheap DIY mosfets), but overall I'd seriously go to a lipo and recommend it for guys. But you do need to research and learn the in's and out's of charging safely etc, but it's worth the learning curve.


Airsoft Locations / Re: Updating the fields list?
« on: May 01, 2018, 01:00:48 PM »
I don't know if anyone else has the time I don't;) But if you'd like the collect the information I'd be happy to either post it or give you the ability to do so;)


This thread/sale is currently disputed and additional people should not contact or buy this gun etc.

So I've gotten a few comments over the years about guys scamming or people not holding up their end of the deal. Now I'm not saying all sellers or buyers are bad certainly not the case. But anyone involved in any hobby buying and selling has at some point likely encountered someone who didn't hold up their end of the bargain.

First and foremost it's not MIA selling, it's individuals. We can't control effectively who uses this area, so if someone posts something for sale someone on staff may know that person but more often than not we don't. And since the platform as a whole is far less active than it was in the past there is little way to know the guys selling. As a buyer or seller it's your responsibility to protect yourself and do your best to check into guys. But at the end of the day there is always an element of risk to buying and selling and by using this you assume that risk.

Second, use paypal when possible DO NOT USE FRIENDS AND FAMILY, honestly I know guys don't want to pay the fees etc. But if you use Friends and Family you get ZERO paypal protection. Is it fine most of the time yeah, until it isn't. I've had guys I trusted fail to deliver using friends and family I have zero need to ever use it again when buying something and I'd highly recommend you not using it either.

Third, if possible meet up in person to be able to look over the gun. In almost all cases I've bought a used airsoft gun something has been wrong that wasn't disclosed. Sometimes the guy knew, sometimes he didn't have the experience to know, and who knows what accounts for the other times. But being able to check out the gun/gear in person solves that problem. Also if possible go somewhere you can see it shoot and hear the mechbox if applicable etc. If you can't then take a note from the guys online who show a video of the gun functioning, then you can hear, and see some more things than pictures will show you.

Last but not least if a deal sounds too good to be true then please exercise additional caution. I know everyone wants a deal but just like you're unlikely to "get a million dollars by filling out a facebook quiz" it's highly unlikely you'll see an $800 gun for $100 in perfect working order. I'm not saying it doens't happen, but it's infrequent so if you see a good deal put up your shields a little harder to insure you're protected. And keep in mind while we all enjoy the hobby at the end of the day look out for yourself as no one else will, it's your responsibility to try and insure things go well.

If you've got any questions feel free to shoot me a note.


Newbie Discussion / Re: Getting back into the game
« on: April 17, 2018, 03:56:37 PM »
CYMA. Each brand has their strong suites in platform selections.

That is an excellent point. Something I forgot to note and I'm not sure when you used to play or how long ago it was. But CYMA was absolute steaming garbage back in the day, like I'm having a hard time coming up with a comparable company to explain to newer players. But CYMA wasn't worth buying at any price back in the day. They made stuff that flat didn't work or failed within the first magazine, that's the reputation they held.

Now I'm not saying they are great, but they are generally fairly well built and serviceable guns. Which I still don't know how I feel about;) But I've owned several and been happy with them bang for the buck. Expect on inexpensive guns to need to do some internal work IE shimming, replacing hopup bucking etc, most just don't ship with good parts there. But with some tuning they really can do allot for a bargain bin price tag. Which compared to back when I started, parts are cheaper, and the guns quality on the whole is far better. Back in the day you bought a $300-400 CA gun, then put a couple hundred in parts to make it work well. Now you can buy a $150 gun, put $50 into it and have something that honestly is far better than the CA I mentioned initially. So it's to a degree a golden era if you're willing to learn to tear apart and repair things;)


Newbie Discussion / Re: Getting back into the game
« on: April 17, 2018, 03:06:49 PM »
Well I'd say @Canto probably knows or @Pagan one of the two should be pretty knowledgeable about who's hosting what where.

But another guess would be @T6e9a since he's pretty up to date also. This should send them all a notification to check this thread.

Take care!


And I'd guess that you should be alright seems like lower Mi has a pretty good amount of activity going on around the state though I do know there are some areas without much going on also.

Newbie Discussion / Re: Getting back into the game
« on: April 17, 2018, 12:44:22 PM »
Can't speak to the areas and how active they are since I'm in the UP:)

That said on the brand I'd say everything aside from TM is more reliable than it used to be. So seldom do you see some of the old issues with guns completely falling on their face compared to back in the day. That's not to say it doesn't happen, but in my opinion guns are more reliable then the used to be at least China guns. TM is still as reliable on the whole as they ever were and still make good stuff though as always majority plastic bodies.

Myself being that I can fix most stuff I've found my niche is mostly mid tier guns like the old CA's, and some of the new inexpensive imports if the externals are good I'll just rebuild the box or toss in a shell and make what I want from it. Though for the most part I've found most of the basic guns are at least functional though most could really use some work on the hopup area if nothing else.


Tech Questions / Re: Suppressor Help...
« on: April 06, 2018, 04:56:48 AM »
Me neither I've been too busy this winter to do much airsoft related at all unfortunately.

Sent from my XT1254 using Tapatalk

Airsoft Discussion / Re: Kill it with Fire aka "The ugly gun thread"
« on: March 26, 2018, 01:25:31 PM »
That might be the worst thing I've ever seen gun wise. That actually could trigger a migraine.

I would do it, honestly I've found I use a helmet allot on the field which sounds silly but it's saved my melon a few times;) I don't need anything crazy but I started wearing one after falling off the bumper of the van on our field. My own fault I was doing something I shouldn't have been and acting like I was 18 again. Either way I got thinking I should wear a helmet, started doing it and most of the time on the field if I'm not in a sniper setup then I've got a helmet on. That said I a painted old school ProTec skate helmet I used to use skating 20 years ago. Works fine, it's comfortable and I figure if it was safe enough for half pipes it's perfectly fine for my knocking my head into stuff;)

But yeah I'd do it, somewhere I've got a legit kevlar helmet forget the model at the moment, but even that is dang heavy for my neck and back anymore on the field. Sure I could run it, but the thing for me is realism is secondary to me being comfortable the next day after playing airsoft;)

So yeah I'd do it;)


Airsoft Discussion / Re: Playing with real-life Mag capacities
« on: March 14, 2018, 06:40:28 PM »
I've run low caps and say 30 rounders for AR platforms and still have a couple old school Star branded mags from way back in the day. The problem with airsoft and really low cap mags is that each BB isn't as capable as each round from a real rifle, and that makes it tough to find a compromise between realism and function. I'd say my own gut says midcaps aren't far off about 2-3 times the capacity is pretty close functionally.

But yeah it seems good but in my opinion it just doesn't work very well, and also you've gotta take into account the other players on the field. If everyone were restricted maybe, it would add another element to the game. But I will say most of the games I've played with strict ammo limits changes the way I play and how I tend to engage. Especially if there are "neutral" factions on the field. Honestly if I'm ammo limited I'm not getting into a potential firefight with a neutral party if they engage. I'll just have my team wipe them out entirely on each contact to insure we're not wasting ammo in a long winded back and forth firefight.


GAS / Re: KJW Mad Max back holster?
« on: March 14, 2018, 02:11:25 PM »
So I meant to post yesterday and forgot. So back carry in my opinion is seldom an option it might work with something that short, but it's a pain in the butt to make work. Really my 2 cents, generally speaking long gun and handgun is the best answer. It's the easiest answer but it's all the most practical setup also since it doesn't require treading new ground for equipment etc.

So I don't have a suggestion other than I wouldn't go that route;) If you do post pictures and feedback how it works;)


AEG / Re: CA MK18
« on: February 16, 2018, 06:10:08 PM »
I hope someone will have some good info, myself I haven't had any hands on time with the current stuff only the old stuff. And of course the old stuff has it's fair share of issues BUT I'll say they are still a favorite of mine gun wise. Great guns once you fix them up;)


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