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Topics - Dr Black

Pages: [1]
Airsoft Discussion / Facebook Michigan Airsoft Group
« on: October 06, 2016, 07:32:47 PM »
I'm not completely sure if this is the right sub for this. (Mods if it isn't feel free to move it)

So I'm not a large fan of Facebook never have been. Too many layout changes for me to get used to.  But I would really appreciate if the gear sales would migrate here.  No matter how often I check,  I always miss a gear for sale post .  Facebook randomly shuffles posts around making it hard to double back and contact the seller.
 Just a thought I had while frustrated I had missed a item by two days.

GAS / Western Arms GBBR Questions.
« on: October 06, 2016, 02:17:18 PM »
So I recently purchased a WA M4 Gbbr. I was wondering if this GBBR even be worth skirmishing?  I read they require regular maintenance, which is fine with me. But I know the internals will eventually beat themselves to dust.  Is it worthwhile to bother upgrading it.  Or should I suck it up and leave it as a nice wall hanger? I know I should have done more research,  but it was such a deal. 

Airsoft Discussion / Homemade Rocket launchers
« on: September 28, 2016, 03:57:41 PM »
I'm just curious of anyone had made their own rocket launchers and what design choices they made and why? 
I know I could always just Google a set of plans.  But I want to be able to ask what would change about your design.  Then there is the possibility of being able to see it in action at a state game.

Airsoft Discussion / Simulated mortar launcher
« on: September 26, 2016, 08:23:33 PM »
While I was wandering parts of the internet, when something caught my eye.

I thought this was a pretty simple to build prop that could make a scenario awesome. Imagine having to assault and capture a mortar position that is pinning down a friendly fire team.
Admittedly I am not sure if a field would allow it because technically it is pyro device. But Rubbing alcohol is fast burning and fast evaporating so the odds of it setting fire(unintentionally) would be highly unlikely. You could dispense the propellant into the projectile(bottle) with a hairspray bottle. A penny hot glued to the bottom of the bottle ensures it falls bottom first. Giving the bottle the most drag as possible when falling. Even though I don't think anyone would be hurt from a falling piece of plastic. Or If you want to be super safe, Tether the empty bottle to the launcher with a short bit of fishing line. You still get the whoosh sound of a airsoft mortar.

Anyways just a idea. What do you guys think?

Seller/Buyer Ratings / Dr Black proboards link
« on: September 19, 2016, 10:09:18 PM »
Figured I would post the link to my proboards feedback.


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