Airsoft Events


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[1] REC: Night Raid XVII (Low Light/Night Game) 11/18/2023 @ HITW (Bangor)

[2] REC: Night Raid XV (Low Light/Night Game) 09/16/2023 @ Hole in the Wall Paintbal

[3] SCEN: Operation: Firestorm XIII (10/14/2023) @ Hole in the Wall Paintball

[4] REC: Night Raid XIII (July 15th, 2023) @ Hole in the Wall Paintball

[5] SCN: OP Pushback 4

[6] REC: Night Raid XII and Evening Bazaar - June 24-25, 2023 @ HITW (West Michigan)

[7] REC: Player Appreciation Day - April 29th, 2023 @ HITW (West Michigan)

[8] SCN: Operation: Outbreak (08/06/2021) @ Hole in the Wall ~ West Michigan

[9] Op: Swift Justice II October 21-23rd Graniteville, SC / OLMCSS EVENT


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