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Messages - Raptor

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Digital Entertainment / Re: Steam Usernames
« on: July 10, 2015, 03:26:04 AM »
Raptor (Of course)
Arma 3
Arma 3 Altis Life
Arma 2 Dayz Mod
DayZ Standalone
Hero's and generals

I'd be interested if there's an MiA day. I've always wanted to go to that field, but I've heard too many horror stories about the swarms of codsofters.
Basically summed it up right there.

Back when I use to like that place and did a little reffing they were letting sniper rifles that shot 425fps with a .3 out on the field with only a 5 feet limit. As well as bumping up the FPS limit to 360 with a 10fps tolerance so really they let people on that field shooting 370fps double that wita 11 year old using a P* at 45 rps and thats your whole expirence.

The Gallery / Re: Recent Acquisition Thread
« on: June 14, 2015, 11:40:44 PM »
So what do you guys think of the kit ive been putting togther for the last 2 weeks.
Dragon Red Premium Ballistic helmet
Real Military Issued ESS goggles with tinted ballistic lense
5.11 Combat shirt in MC
Nothing yet waiting on some custom ordered AWS gear to show
Crye M4 pouch
TYR Tactical 72OZ Hydro
Safariland flex cuffs
Crye G3s in MC

(Crappy pic from the event I hosted)

You probably wont get many as that whole place has taken a nose dive. Also for them letting you host and using MIA Standards good luck with that because if I know them as well as I use to they wont let you. That place has left a sour taste with me and most of MIA but like I said good luck and hopefully this works for you.

After Action Reports / Raptors Tactical Airsoft Rec Game 6/13/15 AAR
« on: June 13, 2015, 10:05:15 PM »
So first off I dont think anyone from MIA came today but ya know ill post this here for people wondering how it went. Second to the gunner on the back of the quad, you were great and that was lots of fun. We had 30+ people here today and some pretty intense games with 30 minute long fire fights while playing new games that everyone seemed to enjoy, we recieved alot of good feedback and will be implementing it into the field and will be building it up more with those ideas.

Airsoft Discussion / Re: CQB Arenas.
« on: June 09, 2015, 10:39:06 PM »
Nims CQB which is ran by WMIA in muskegon and I think a few places over in or near detriot.

Clothing & Load Bearing Gear / AWS Inc. OCPC Review
« on: June 09, 2015, 10:35:01 PM »
So heres my first piece of real gear review, pics will be added later tonight when I get on my computer.

So starting from the front and working my way around. First of this is NOT cheap feeling material or cheaply put togther like some gear, and if it proves the quality of AWS, Delta or also know as CAG use to or still currently uses AWS Inc Gear. You can buy this carrier at www.awsin.com for $150ish depending on your size. I reccomend you measure first or order 1 size smaller than your shirt size, I almost ordered a XL but switched to a L because the XL was massive (For comparision im 250lbs and 6' and the L fits like a dream).

The front has 6 row of MOLLE vertical and 7 horizontal on the front flap so your standard 6 row pouches will sit kinda akward, behind the flap theres a place for a Triple mag pouch insert (The velcro is insanley hard to get it to open). The front is very similar to 6094 so most of you get what it looks like. Inside the front since this is a real plate carrier it has a slot for a SAPI plate as well as another slot for soft armor or trama pads. The cummerbund has a strap hooked to it for eaiser vest removal which I like more than the normal plan velcro or little tab of fabric.

Inside the Cummerbund:
The Cummerbund is actually not that adjustable besides the velcro in the front. It has slots in the front near the front plat bag where you can put in a radio or even a spare mag. It has slots for side plates if you happen to need them. It is actually padded pretty well and breaths very well as it has a strong mesh material.

Outside the Cummerbund:
It has the standard the row of 3 vertical MOLLE rows and is put togther very nice, no loose stiching, no sagging in the MOLLE or uneven rows.

The back isnt that much diffrent front besides the lack of velcro and addition of a drag handle.

Sholder straps:
They come with a soft pad and honestly feels really nice once adjusted to the correct height, these make it the best feeling carrier ive used to date.

I can see this carrier lasting me awhile due to the shear quality of construction and for $150 you literally cant go wrong. They have them in Ranger green, CB, Black and Multicam.

Michigan Commerce - Airsoft Guns Allowed / Re: WTTF Multiglam gear
« on: June 08, 2015, 04:24:24 PM »

Michigan Commerce - Airsoft Guns Allowed / WTTF Multiglam gear
« on: June 07, 2015, 09:08:52 PM »
WTTF Multicam gear (No condor im switching out of condor for crye and AWS)
I need anything Multicam pouches or combat shirt (XLT or XL)or any cool helmet stuff such as MS2000, V-Lites, any other cool helmet stuff.
Also I want a short dot scope
What I have
Vertex Kryptek Highlander size 38 pants, XL Shirt but has holes in it.
Condor QRPC Tan
2x double M4 mag pouch
M249 SAW Pocuh
SAW 100rd pouch/dump pouch
3 day assualt pack
radio pouch
admin pouch
I have a pic of all of it being wore togther

Theyre outta stock in Multicam.

I dont wanna order gear from china and Id rather buy from american shops, so where can I get them here stateside for under $70?

The Gallery / Re: Recent Acquisition Thread
« on: May 31, 2015, 11:47:48 PM »
So im offically broke I made my first gear whore purchase of the following
AWS OCPC Multicam
Flyye MAP Multicam
AWS Open top Kangaroo Pouches
AWS Admin Pouch

Now to the stuff im ordering later this weekish
Crye G3 Combat pants in Multicam
Crye G3 Combat shirt in Multicam
MS2000 Strobe Light
Even more kewl dude stuff for my kit.

Ill post photos when it all arrives with the Fedex and UPS dudes.

Airsoft Events / Re: Raptors Tactical Airsoft Rec Game 6/13/15
« on: May 28, 2015, 12:31:33 AM »
Hopefully there will be a next time bro haha

Airsoft Events / Re: Raptors Tactical Airsoft Rec Game 6/13/15
« on: May 25, 2015, 05:15:44 PM »
Added you good sir.

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