I sold all my airsoft guns a while back but I still have a couple boxes of stuff sitting around that needs to go. Everything is OBO, so offer up if you don't like the price. Pics will be up shortly.
1. Thunder AC6 Lipo charger w/ various accessories and a few extra lipo batteries - $30
2. 2X new bags of G&G .25g BBs, partially used bags of G&G .25s and .20s, and partial bag of bioshot .32s - $15
3. Thunder B grenades - 2 cores, plus about 2 dozen flashbang style shells and some spare pins and spoons. Tested out but never used in game. $40.
4. Box 'o parts - various AEG internals and gearbox parts. $20 SOLD
5. 2X DCU shirts size Md. One raid modded w/ velcro by yours truly. $15 each
6. 2X Baofeng UV5R radios w/ speaker mics. $20 each. SOLD
7. TMC Airframe helmet w/ real ops core harness, crye helmet cover and crye rails. $120.
8. Blackhawk Riggers Belt size small. $10
9. Xcoretech X3200 chrono - $50.
10. ESS ICE Shooting Glasses (2 pairs 1 clear, one tinted lens) $25 for both, includes soft case
More to come as I sort through it.