Arsenal > GAS

Vintage KSC G18 box opening;)


Not really the first time it was opened but I thought some guys might get a kick out of this. I found my original KSC G18c box from 2003 and put stuff back in and the included items. I did realize afterwards they did come with an adjustment tool for the hopup which I never used, and lost. I may have one somewhere since I had several but it's not included. Don't remember anything else they came with maybe a small unjamming rod but can't recall. I also included a shot of the original receipt from 2003 which included things like my CA M15A4 I'm still using though in very modified condition. G&P Mid cap mags for $20 a piece! Some of the old pricing was really crazy compared to modern stuff these days. And for newer guys consider that a CA of this era was honestly not a great gun, the internals almost always needed some level of work. They were about like a CYMA would be today, but their claim to fame at the time was the metal body which wasn't common when TM ruled the earth.

Either way I thought you might get a kick out of it;)

Take care!


EDIT: Also I forgot to mention the trigger safety is not in place in the video, I do indeed have it sitting here, just haven't reinstalled it. I got it back the last time in complete pieces, and just recently put it back together again and got it working.


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