Discussion Boards > Digital Entertainment

Gaming In Progress


As many of you may know, Phantom Reaper and I do lets plays on a channel called gaming in progress and we would post our videos on MiA from time to tome so I decided to recreate the thread he originally posted.

Anyways Here is my latest lets play of Life Is Strange, its a story based game much like the way The Walking Dead by Telltale games is structured involving a girl who can reverse time to prevent tragedies occurring in her town, as well as using this ability to solve mysteries. The story revolves around her but there is the constant feeling of approaching dread as the story is revealed, there is a storm coming, someone is responsible for it and it has something to do with a student who went missing at your academy.

Phantom Reaper:
As Ogre stated we do gaming lets plays, however we also do airsoft ;)


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