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GoPro/Camera loadouts

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I ended up settling on the Hero4 Silver with a Brain Exploder mount and with a skeleton case, 64GB SD card and extended/external battery I can get about 8 hours worth of high quality 1080p 60fps footage.

The Brain Exploader mount works great for my Hero 5 Session, I would recommend getting the lends protector, or at least the warranty for your Hero4 if you can. With your battery you may be able to get 8 hours, but your card might fill up before that. If you can, you should consider getting an additional memory card. My 64GB states that it can record to 4 hours with those settings. As for battery packs, I bought the Milsim West Gopro external battery pouch with http://www.ebay.com/itm/401254410432?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT This battery pack which fits perfectly. Although to get it to charge you do have to press a button so that's kinda annoying. I have yet to completely fill the memory card, or run out of battery, but I've also only done games that last 8 hours so that's my .02.


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