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Topics - Guts and Glory

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The Gallery / My oddball collection
« on: December 05, 2019, 11:10:48 AM »
My oddball collection that folks will typically see part of at fields whenever I go out to play.  Sorry for the photo quality, there is no good place in the house lighting wise and I am inept with photo taking.

Real Sword SVD with 3-9x24 "PSO style" scope (I say that because it has the 1.7 meter height marking unlike the civilian 1.8 and afaik was made by NPZ and sold commercially by SAMOON many years ago.  Still stock, only swapped connector for deans.  Doesn't really get used much due to how I usually play.

Cyma/Dboys Aks-74:  My work horse and primary rifle.  Been taken apart and parts swapped both internal and external for years, currently has no scope rail on the receiver, ics fire selector, real Russian plum handguards, an Egyptian rear sight leaf, and of course tourniquet and sling.  Internally a mish mash of SHS and ZCI parts, with a 16tpa shs motor 12:1 shs gears iirc,  promy tightbore, lonex hop up unit, and modify flat hop bucking nub set (black iirc, I keep swapping between the black and grey ones).  Empties a mag fast but not my best semi auto response.  150 ft shots reached but not sure the extent of it, around 360 or so fps iirc.  Nukefet installed.

Cyma Bizon:  My confused child that doesn't know what role to fill.  Currently shoots above local limits for 5 foot MED, so I still can't clear buildings with it, despite the spring being a m95 zci (might be from having a non ported cylinder in it).  Mostly the same setup as the rest partswise internally, but stock metal hop up unit with the modify flat hop and promy barrel.  Range is decent for how short it is but it is picky with the mags I have for it.  Still love it though.  Apex python mosfet installed

Cyma ak104/5, 40 series:  My latest aeg purchase, not even over a year yet and I already have messed with its guts.  Recently got fixed up after finding that its spring guide and piston head both failed, now has 12:1 gears instead of 16:1, which paired with a zci 22 tpa motor seems to be making it smooth for trigger response.  Oddly enough fires just below 350 fps so actually is better than the bizon for clearing buildings.  Put a lct ultimak clone top handguard on despite not having a proper optic for it.  Nukefet installed.

Cyma/Dboys Ak-74m:  Current project gun.  Recently restored the internals of it, giving it the 16:1 gears, a zci 22 tpa motor, mostly similar internals to everything else, and slapped a random spring into it that currently puts it at 397-401 fps range.  Stock barrel and hop up unit atm (lonex chamber on the way) but I decided to try and mod my old prommy purple that was in it for flat hop with the modify nub.  It is the only one besides the SVD atm without a mosfet, but I have a gate nanoasr on the way to try out.  Externally it is an old, old, old body, like the aks-74 but the front barrel assembly is so worn around the barrel pin notch that I have to put something in there alongside the real steel pin to keep it from falling out.  Half tempted to stick the gearbox into a dboys akms body that I have in storage instead (which pin is so pressed in that it won't come apart to allow dissassembly) or find a boneyard gun to take the barrel assembly off of, maybe put it onto the full stock ak-74n body that I have which has a nice wood stock finish.

LCT RPK:  My most accursed replica to date.  Has had one of its barrel screws bored out due to it being stripped from the factory, no wobble so far though.  Fire selector lever also got replaced due to original one wearing out on its cylinder nub (why can't these companies do what lct does and weld lever and the nub together!).  Real RPK sling.  Internally it is a mess, with the  apex python mosfet wiring job done so bad I ponder how it actually works (spliced wiring to extend it back into buttsock, as well as to extend part of the wiring to the 16 tpa motor).  Stock barrel, lonex hop up chamber, modify flat hop.  No idea how it performs currently but I would say probably subpar to everything else.  Plan to just run it till it dies again and see about redoing all of it internally again.  The PBS-1 is just for lulz.

Michigan Commerce - Airsoft Guns Allowed / Ak Selector Parts
« on: November 21, 2019, 09:02:37 PM »
I have always had issues with ak selector pieces wearing out, whether it be the cylinder nub the external fire selector lever grips onto, or the inner selector gear piece gets damaged from said nub.  Not many shops carry any of the parts, and if they do, it is often only one bit or another and never complete, and also costing a fortune.

In short, I need full sets of selector parts that work.  Ideally anything like the ics ones which have the nub and lever as one welded piece but if you have a full set of the usual that will work too.  I can do paypal or if you ever find me at a game I'll pay in cash.  Also accept any you just want rid off honestly.

Michigan Commerce - Airsoft Guns Allowed / Sold Please Delete
« on: October 25, 2019, 05:09:52 PM »
Sold items today at field, please delete thread if possible.

Airsoft Discussion / How go the games at Hell Survivors?
« on: March 01, 2019, 06:27:12 PM »
As the title says, I am looking to hear how games are there now since years ago when there was the rift between them and the community after various issues arose during the games Mosin and the gang were running.  I see from time to time game days being stated on their social media pages (I don't have a facebook account so I don't really get to delve into things much) and sometimes that one youtuber organizes games there.  Is it an active group showing up on the stated shared days with their own refs and whatnot or is it just the field opening up for parties?

I would like to get out to more fields this year, and Pickney is closer than most other fields save for my regular in Charlotte.

Looking to find some of those relatively out of stock cyma or lct plum midcaps.  I also enjoy collecting Russian oversuits, size is somewhat between a 48 and 50-4 for reference,

I can do paypal or if close to Mason or attending the REC games put on at TC paintball Charlotte field I can do cash.  Feel free to let me know here or on my "Gunmane" accounts on Red Alliance or Arnies Airsoft forums.

Tech Questions / Any techs still out there?
« on: November 05, 2018, 10:24:59 PM »
As the title says, I severely need help from someone who does not hurt themselves somehow every time they open up a gearbox (just tore a chunk out of one finger tonight).  Not sure whether to put this over in commerce or not.

I have three v3 gearboxes out of action atm, of which two I have either failed to get back working or have ruined the new wire harness sets I had for them and thus cannot go further with trying to fix them.

One is from a LCT RPK, and save for spring and SHS high torque motor is completely stock.  Had tried to put one of those Modify brand wire harness that come with deans in and whilst trying to get the semi auto setting to not do burst or having other issues, one of the metal tabs that is apart of the switch portion sheared off.  Tried to put the original wire harness in (which frustratingly had its screw to the shell missing) but cannot get the gearbox to work again.

Other is an older cobbled together gearbox which failed last sunday in game.  Discovered to my amusement the spring guide had broke.  Had it all back together but yet again another Modify wire harness tab shear off, and my heart sank.

Third gearbox I am afraid to touch atm till at least my hands recover.  I assume something in it has broken as well.

I just want to get gearboxes working again and with deans connectors for my recent switch to 7.4v lipos, possibly even have my old Real Sword SVD get deans put on it.  I may keep trying to at least get the old wiring sets back in and the gearboxes working, but I am at my wits end now and considering going for the nuclear option and just buying some gearboxes of GI or anywhere else that would convert them to deans.  Sick and tired of screwing up what should be simply work.

I live just outside of Mason so I am unfortunately far away from most fields and possible techs so I would likely have to ship stuff out if not flat out hire someone to send me new boxes made idiot proof.

After Action Reports / REC: No Limits/Action Paintball 9/29/2018
« on: September 29, 2018, 09:19:44 PM »
Seeing as how everyone has moved on to facebook besides me, I might as well type something up regardless.

Feels like a decade has passed since I last visited Jeremy and the SK crew.  Worth the drive despite how ineffective I was today.  Naturally there are the usual issues that come up during games, which get amplified with such a large crowd, but all in all I had a positive day, unlike most Saturdays I have had in the past year.

Thanks again to Jeremy for the kind gift that saved my day, and the laughs during breaks.  I have always loved hearing stories of past games and events.  My thanks to the cameraman Nick (apologies if I got your name mixed up, brain a bit fried still), and the rest of the SK crew and friends for herding all the cats today.  Not sure if I'll be able to get back out to see you all again this year, but I will try to get out to your side of the Mitten more often.  Hopefully next time I'll have some of my stuff reworked to at least be up to 5 years ago in battery tech wise. ;D

Figured that despite not a lot of traffic here nowadays I might as well throw something up.  Had a blast both today and the previous game held last month.  Event hosts are both fine blokes who truly care about the hobby and having a great time.

Despite the rain days prior, field was relatively drier than last time.  Vegetation worked well at times for myself and others.  Good sports all around despite some folks getting lit up hard.  I was fortunate despite wearing a lighter oversuit the latter half of the day to only get some arm marks, but I saw firsthand some folks unfortunately getting some ugly marks.

To the gentleman folks were calling "Captain Vietnam" all day, thank you for letting this old Russkie tag along for most of the day. 

I encourage anyone who hasn't come out yet still to do so next month.  I only wish my long arms had functioned better and that I could get that damn rpk's fps down to field limits somehow.  Bizon kept me going though.

Context: I work all through the weekend normally and often have my 2/3 days off during the middle of the week.  I have a backyard that is open bordered with a golf course and neighbors that might not want to see someone outside practice firing.

I have always wondered what if any activity occurs during weekdays at either indoor fields or outdoor fields that are not just open on weekends.  Does that exist here in Michigan?  I assume if it was available it would be at some indoor field towards Detroit.  I do not keep much in the loop these days social media wise.

I would gladly settle for a place to go and test fire stuff every once in awhile on a day off.

Just wanted to get something that's been on my mind for a long time.

After Action Reports / REC: No Limits/Action Paintball 11/05/2016
« on: November 05, 2016, 07:07:46 PM »
Well, couldn't have asked for a better day weather wise for a game.  Glad to meet familiar and new faces, chew the fat, and sling plastic today.  My thanks to the SK crew and friends for putting on a good finisher for the year.  Hope to see you again next year.

Also, if anyone wants to post up any media from today, I would appreciate seeing it (if I can, facebook is not something I use).

After Action Reports / AAR: Bastards Rec Game @ Dirty Paintball 9/24/16
« on: September 24, 2016, 08:38:34 PM »
I'm a bit muddled from the after game drain still (had to go help clean a church right as I got home), but just want to give a shout out to all the folks that came out today, and to The Bastards for herding us cats around all day.   ;)

I enjoyed meeting all sort of players today, by hand and of course by fire.  It kinda seemed that the small gaggle we had fitted the field areas well, as even the speedball zone felt good once we went into the bomb game mode.

To my fellow Ruskies, a toast to you, you made Potat proud!  Glad to meet all of you (did not expect to see so many cousins when I turned back from the chrono area), and I'm glad I was able to help out, and for you all in return to put up with me.  That two man ambush in the ridge line will forever be a grand airsoft memory for me.  I am also now convinced at how well Yagel is in Michigan woodland.  I'll have to pick a suit up sometime.

Anyways, thanks again for a wonderful day!

After Action Reports / REC: No Limits/Action Paintball 6/18/2016
« on: June 18, 2016, 08:30:55 PM »
Somehow able to type now, figured I'd be knocked out.

For as hot as it was, today was perhaps one of the better hot days I've had at a field in years.  Grounds were nice and dry so no getting stuck like last month for some folks.  Lots of skeeters towards the wooded areas, but not as heavy as I thought there would be (helps to wear a baggy oversuit).  I'm sure most people today liked the castle skirmishes, but I was glad it wasn't the only part of the property we got to sling plastic on (even if I spent most of the time on the other fields wandering about or holing up somewhere).  Certainly glad to have brought plenty of hydration, and kudos to all the folks helping others out with hydration and other matters.

Team SK and friends, you still got that magic of making a day run smoothly (as much as herding the equivalent of cats can be).  Thanks for putting up with me throughout the day, I enjoyed chewing the fat with you all during the breaks under the canopy.

It was enjoyable to see the diverse group we got today, and I hope that folks enjoyed their time out and plan to come back again.

Good luck to all of you with muscle pain and/or sunburns.

After Action Reports / REC: No Limits/Action Paintball 5/14/2016
« on: May 14, 2016, 08:39:46 PM »
I said I'd make a post, and by golly no amount of pain is going to stop me!

It's been nearly 2 years since I last got out to this field and the camaraderie of Pagan and the SK crew.  I met quite a lot of new blood and old alike, got to talk/shoot alongside my "cousins", and overall had a blast.  Rain didn't drown us all, and the breeze, whilst providing some wonky shots, was quite a welcome feeling.  For once nothing broke down or got lost for me (save for the "lost keys in trunk" incident), and I had perhaps the greatest day in well over a year.

I'm sure others will pitch in about the games and whatnot, but I will say this:  Despite getting whupped multiple times, today was perhaps the most pleasant time getting whupped.  I only wish I could have Davai'd harder.

Thanks to all the SK crew and friends who helped herd all of us cats around out there, and thank you sincerely for such an experience.  Folks might think it crazy to drive halfway across the state for a Rec game, but I'd do it every weekend if I could. ;D

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