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Author Topic: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015  (Read 57432 times)


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Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« on: June 01, 2015, 02:41:25 PM »
Operation White Mountain

Date: 20JUNE2015
Time: 0830 - 1700
Location: Hell's Survivors
619 Pearl St, Pinckney, MI 48169

What is RealSim?

RealSim is a simulation of a real war, as best as The Bastards (and Airsoft) could provide. Everyone claims to have a "Scenario" game that we all know turns into a rec game after the first objective is completed, or a MilSim that is being run by nobody that was actually in the Military, which leads to a lot of actual necessities in Combat as it pertains to Airsoft being completely left to the wayside. In addition, both your average Scenario and MilSim have one major drawback, downtime! By breaking an event into "Chapters" with 30-40 minutes of downtime in between, players lose out on upwards of three or more hours of potential airsoft within a given event. RealSim is going to be a non-stop event that goes from the moment the whistle blows until our allotted time schedule is up, it is a very fine tuned event that has outcomes for both victory and defeat in each objective on field (Those of you who attended Geronimo I know what I'm talking about). We will be coordinating things like chow and water resupply on field through the leadership (For those of you that purchase the Meal plan), as well as suggesting any rest rotations that need to take place. The event will stop for no other reason than a safety concern, and the missions will be given to the teams throughout the day.

As you can see from the map above, we've reserved 75% of the field at any given time. The entire North half as you see it will be 100% owned by the Airsoft community the entire day (As explained to me by the Field staff). The lower half the field will be switched sometime around the middle of the afternoon, and will likely be the only time we "Administratively" move people other than original field insertion.

0830: Players may show up, register, fill out waivers, chrono, and jam mags
0945: Safety briefing with all leadership, general administrative ruleset, The Bastard staff will be largely placing props on field at this point
1000: All hands safety brief
1015: Units that will be administratively moved on field will be walked out at this time, leadership may spend the first 15 minutes of gameplay (I.E: Up to 1215) discussing plans with those under them.
1030: Game is live
LUNCH -- Will be somewhere during the day, when the Staff feels there is a good enough lull in the action. Please do not ask us repeatedly when lunch is, you came to play Airsoft, not to eat lunch. If that is your main concern just go to a buffet instead.
1800: Game Endex, Bastard staff will coordinate with leadership to ensure all players are off field, at which point the field will go "Cold" and players may proceed to leave. 

Age: 16+

All players are required to have AT LEAST full seal eye protection. Full seal can constitute an ANSI rated goggle system (traditional) or ANSI rated shooting glasses WITH FULL SEAL INSERTS. Shooting glasses as a standalone are not allowed on field.

Anyone under the age of 18 MUST wear full face protection, this can be a paintball mask, combination goggles/mesh lower, or any shemagh/cloth wrap to cover the nose, mouth, and ears. Also, anyone under the age of 18 will require a guardian's signature on their waiver, it's best to do this online ahead of time in order to avoid wait times at the registration booth. Hell Survivor Rules, not ours.

Barrel bags are required when outside of the game field.



2nd BN, 75th Ranger RGT : Multicam

Anurjistan Jihadist Army : No full camouflage uniform. Look like a militant. DCU top with jeans, a civilian coat and camouflage trousers. Mix and match, look like a third world militant. Do not wear full camouflage, such as a camouflage bottom and top even if they are different patterns. One must be a solid color. No full camouflage uniform. Solid colors are fine. All camouflages are acceptable as long as they are not of the following :  NO MULTICAM. NO M81 WOODLAND. NO WOODLAND MARPAT.



Prepay Meal Plan Option - $35 per person. This includes your on field resupply of chow so you don't have to leave the field. Chow will be limited to 5 slices of pizza per person, which is 1400 Calories, or more than enough to get you through the afternoon. At our last event we had players taking two or three boxes at a time to feed two or three players, not again.

Day of Arrivals - $40 : Receive a wristband and a meal still... ,but pays extra.

Prepayment PayPal account is: bastardsairsoftevents@gmail.com -- Please ensure this is in "Gift" format. If for any reason the event is cancelled all players will be refunded within a timely manner. If you're unable to attend but you prepaid please let us know at least two weeks away from the event. Any notice less than 1 weeks notice can not at all be refunded. We typically purchase all props and items we need within that last week, so after that point prepayment refund typically won't be possible.

Registration will only take effect once you've prepaid. I'm tired of wasting mine and my team's time adding people to the roster in the beginning only to have them forget they signed up and don't prepay/don't show. A lot of our logistics depends on number of personnel we have on field, so please refrain from stating if you'll be there or not, unless prepayment was sent.

In order to Register, players much choose a Company (Team), as well as a Platoon, and Squad to register under. If a team wishes to reserve an entire squad (Anywhere between 10-14 players) they must PM me before it is filled by outsiders, at which point I will lock it for one week to allow the team to collect prepayments and send them in. Roster information will be updated and maintained by myself, as I am actively working and attending school full time, please be patient for responses or updates.

Weapons: All weapon platforms will be allowed, all weapons are confined to semi automatic only with exception of designated belt fed weapons.

For clarification, a belt fed weapon platform is any weapon platform that would be comparable to its real steel counterpart in that it would require linked ammunition to fire, exception is given for the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon (SAW) and similar weapons that can be fired with standard magazines. Some examples of allowed weapon platforms are:

- M249 SAW
- M240 (Golf or Bravo)
- .50 Cal Machine guns
- RPK's
- RPD's
- DsHk's

*If you do not see a weapon type that you intend on bringing, and want clarification, please PM myself with the specific name of the weapon system, and I will pass the ruling within a timely manner.

There are no mortar strikes in game, although a nerf rocket 203 will be able to destroy small buildings if it is fired in the presence of a moderator (So we can go inside and inform the players, and prevent the arguments).

If you shoot a building/wall with a nerf rocket 203, and no moderator is around to see and verify, you wasted the rocket. We'll do our best to ensure we're always right where the action is, but there are only so many of us.

Medic Rules:

When a player is struck anywhere on his/her person (gun hits do not count), they will be required to stop play, call out, don a red kill rag, and immediately sit where they were hit. However, at this point the player is not considered "dead," but instead "injured". He still cannot talk other than to call for a medic. The player has a two (2) minute bleed out time from the point at which they were hit. The player is not allowed to move, or stand, unless directly in the way of a firefight, in which they can only move far enough to be out of harms way. In order for an "injured" player to move, at least one (1) person must be in physical contact with them, at which point they can walk to wherever they see fit. If the "injured" player is in need of a hasty extraction, then two (2) players are required to be in physical contact with that player, and at that point will be able to jog.

In order for the player to be "healed," and resume play, the medic must make contact with the player, a CAT/SOF-T tourniquet or white armband will be placed on the players arm, WITHOUT THE WINDLASS BEING TORQUED DOWN.

Players can get healed as many times as the medic can support, although each squad medic will only receive ten armbands/tourniquets, and once all are expended the squad will need to report to the team's uncapturable base in order to completely reset the armbands.

If the medic is shot, any other player may place a tourniquet on the medic, at which point rock, paper, scissors will be played to simulate the person who isn't a medic having a 1 in 3 chance of properly treating the medic. If the one who applied the tourniquet loses rock paper scissors, the one who had the tourniquet applied to dies. If the person who applied the tourniquet wins, then it was a successful heal and the player is alive. Any player may attempt to tourniquet any other player to revive him, and using your own CATs or SOF-T's IS ALLOWED, however we are not responsible for any lost, stolen, or tourniquets that end up in our bin at the end of the day.

If any player is knowingly seen attempting to steal The Bastards medic system properties, that player will be ejected from the field and will be blacklisted from any further events for a duration of no less than one year.


Anyone caught breaking the above rule will be sit out and be talked to by the referees. Everyone has been playing airsoft long enough to know these rules and it is extremely detrimental to everyones fun when a dead player begins calling out an enemy movement that had gone unnoticed. It is also detrimental when you are killing enemy combatants and they simply get up instantly and walk to their medic. Don't do this.

• 1.0 - 340.9 fps (0.01j - 1.07j) - Arms length engagement limit

• 341.0 - 400.9 fps (1.08 - 1.49j) - 20 foot engagement limit

• 401.0 - 500.9 fps (1.50j - 2.32j) – 50 foot engagement limit, bolt action or permanent* semi-auto replicas only

• 501.0 - 539.9 fps (2.33j - 2.69j) - Bolt action only

• 540.0+ fps (2.7j+) - Prohibited.

10 fps leeway is given in either direction, not any more.

Polarstars can only chrono up to 1.55 joules, all shooters are subject to random on field chronograph to prevent on field tampering. Any Polarstar shooter found shooting significantly hotter than 1.55 joules will be ejected from the field as a safety violator, no questions.

Permanent semi-auto means that only 1 BB is shot per trigger pull.

We will spot check player's weapons on the field. Those that have altered their weapons after chrono will be ejected immediately without refund.

How To: Win The Game!

As stated in the first paragraph, teams will be given objectives as the day goes on. In addition to completing those objectives for points, teams that are able to control any of the bases on field (While within our allotted time frame), with exception to each team's CP. In addition to that, at random times throughout the day Bastard Staff will be looking to see flag placement, and who controls what. These bases are worth any number of points (Depending on the size of the base) and can be seen below:

As seen on the map above, we have a lot of bases that can be captured. The green square represents A Company's (MARSOC/RANGERS) CP, and the yellow/orange squares represents B Company's (AJA) CP (CP will shift as we rotate with the paintballers in the afternoon). Each of these respective CPs are uncapturable, and have at LEAST a 30 meter bubble outside the walls in which players of the team may not breach. Any players found shooting into a CP will be adjusted.

Flag system:  White represents neutral, green is Alpha Company, and Tan/Yellow is Bravo Company. Some of the larger bases may have two or three flags on each of the walls, it will be important that all of these are flipped, as if even one flag is a different color, the base is not held.

Radio frequencies:
We will be utilizing standard radio channels on field for official means of communication, any outside communications your squad uses is on you. 
Channel 1: Admin channel, unless there is a real world emergency, please stay off this net
Channel 2-6: Alpha Company (MARSOC/RANGERS) , Alpha CO may break this down as he pleases
Channel 7-11: Bravo Company (AJA), Bravo CO may break this down as he pleases

I know not everyone wants to waste their time reading a storyline, but for some of you it adds a lot to the game and what is going on in the game and helps you immerse yourself. So I hope to not disappoint you. Please read both sides as it will give you a good outlook of what is going on.


At 0430 contact was lost with a Turkish Gendermarie Outpost on the border of Turkey and Anurjistan. At 0600 a patrol was sent out from a nearby Army base. Turkish sources maintain that the patrol element was a platoon of approximately 58 men. At approximately 0830 the patrol had reported that they had taken small arms fire. Shortly after the patrol began to call in air strikes around the surrounding area. Four Turkish F4 Phantoms were dispatched immediately to provide assistance to the patrol, along with four additional mechanized infantry platoons and a Special Forces Command unit. At 0915 the F4 Phantoms began to make their approach. It was at this time that it was relayed back to Turkish command that the Pilots were reporting that they were being locked onto from SAM sites on the ground. It was then reported from both ground units and air assets that missiles had been launched. Three of the Four F4s were downed. It is estimated of those three that one F4 was able to eject in enough time. Ground confirmed this original estimation by citing the appearance of two parachutes, heading towards Anurjistan territory.

At 1030 ground reinforcements reported that all mountain roads had been blocked off via explosions causing rock slides to block all routes in. At that time Special Forces Command proceeded on foot to the lost Patrol, as Army Engineers were called in to clear the roadblock. During this time the U.S Government was made aware and brought into the fold.

1145 radio contact was lost with the patrol. Satellite image from the U.S showed signs of gun fire still occurring on the mountain.

1500 Turkish Special Forces Command had made it's way to the sight of initial contact. They reported that there were multiple Turkish causalities on the ground and obvious signs of an intense fire fight. At this time they were instructed to conduct further reconnaissance.

At 1600 Turkish Special Forces Command confirmed that Anurjistan had over a dozen SAM emplacements set-up along the mountain.

At 1800 Turkish Special Forces Command and U.S Intelligence had confirmed that Anurjistan militants had taken over a local mountain village inside the Pontic Mountains. The SAM emplacements and loss of local life have eliminated the ability of air strikes into the region.

At 1815 Army engineers had cleared one of the routes into the Pontic mountains. Shortly after the convoy, who was not ordered to move forward after the route was cleared, was ambushed. Estimated 75% casualties.

1830 All Turkish forces were immediately ordered back.

2130 a Turkish Special Forces Command unit was reinserted into the Pontic Mountains with orders to conduct reconnaissance.

0300 U.S Marine Special Operations Command & 3rd Battalion Rangers arrive in Turkey.

0600 MARSOC, 3rd Battalion Rangers, and Turkish SFC have been organized and await orders to stage a counter-attack against the Anurjistan militants. With the following orders:

Recover the two MIA Turkish Pilots
Destroy all SAM emplacements.
Retake the village of Bangor
Attempt the capture of critical enemy personnel
Objectives will be updated as needed.

A man dressed in dirty robes with a long beard and ragged hair covered by a camouflage cap with a silver star on the front, walks down a narrow dimly lit hallway. His hands pressed against his side, his back perfectly straight as he walks. With only determination in his eye.

He steps into a brightly lit room, where men clad in lose fittings of military gear, feast. The man steps onto a podium and looks around the room. Everything stops, all eyes focus on him.

“Glorious brothers of the Anurjistan Jihadist Army! Today is the day! It is the day that we sack the oppressors of true Muslim freedom! Those who have stricken down our people. Those vile Turkish dogs. Our brothers at this time have begun to destroy the weak lap dog government that allowed such oppression and we brothers, shall ebb the Government's blood that flows from Turkish backing. Praise be to God!”

The room resounds with the repeating of “Praise be to God!”

“Tonight we embark to the Turkish border along the Pontic mountains, we shall set up a shield from which to protect our brethren. We must not allow the Turkish forces to cross the mountains and assist our traitorous Government. So it is tonight we move against them.”

“Our glorious mission from god. Is to strike against where our borders meet. To set up a defensive line against the Turkish forces. There is an outpost here controlled by Gendermarie forces, estimated to be about thirty men. We shall approach silently and hit them hard. We do not want them getting any communications out.” He states as he begins to draw his instructions onto a wall behind them.

“During this time, separate forces shall set-up the missile launching sites. From there we shall move to block off all the roads and take the village of Bangor. Undoubtedly, the Turkish Army will send out a patrol to check on the Gendermarie outpost. Let this patrol in as far as you can and then like a strong hand crush them as if they were ,but a small bird in your hands” he motions with his hand making a crushing motion.

“We will then cut off all routes to the mountains. This will delay them, but will not stop them. We must be prepared. Brothers! Our mission is not to defeat the Turkish military here. It is to delay them. We must all die someday, my brothers! But we, will die as martyrs for our Nation! Praise be to God!”

The room erupts with multiple chants of “PRAISE BE TO GOD!” and similar sayings, several men fire pistols up into the ceiling. resulting into debris falling down among the crowd.

“Now, my Officers of the Jihadist Army. Go inform your men. We leave at night fall.”

Objectives for the AJA:

Capture any important enemy personnel
Protect the SAM emplacements and Hold the Village – These are the only things stopping an Air Strike.
Inflict as many causalities as possible
Hold off against the enemy as long as possible

« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 12:46:18 PM by Troubadour »
Bastard's Airsoft XO, Event Host, and  all around terrible person.


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2015, 03:42:23 PM »
So did my prepay ever come to you guys?


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #2 on: June 01, 2015, 03:56:55 PM »
So did my prepay ever come to you guys?

I am having our treasurer compile all of the paypal payments right now and we will appropriately update the roster when that is done. I have your names written down and everything. Will update you shortly. If you sent the payment, we more than likely have it, we just sort of got every prepay all at once so we're just sorting through them right now.
Bastard's Airsoft XO, Event Host, and  all around terrible person.


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #3 on: June 02, 2015, 11:14:42 AM »
MIA-Team (x7-8) will be on the Jihadist side with...

Comax (not 100% sure)
Sniper Wolf

Prepayments should start rolling in soon.


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #4 on: June 02, 2015, 06:22:47 PM »
Call-signs Leaf,Yoda,and Amp (from N.O.V.A) pre-payed 2 days before the early bird deadline,but I don't see them up on the roster in group D for the jihadists. I copy and pasted the exact email into paypal;therefore,the address could not have been wrong. What gives? :o -Swifty
Team: Nest Of Vipers Airsoft (N.O.V.A.)
Role: Team coordinator, Automatic rifleman


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #5 on: June 02, 2015, 08:51:13 PM »
Call-signs Leaf,Yoda,and Amp (from N.O.V.A) pre-payed 2 days before the early bird deadline,but I don't see them up on the roster in group D for the jihadists. I copy and pasted the exact email into paypal;therefore,the address could not have been wrong. What gives? :o -Swifty

You all should have received an email tonight, I do apologize about the delay. Leaf did request AJA - C Group, but I have moved him to D Group.

Additionally, I have reformatted the way that MARSOC/RANGER units are set-up, this will allow more players to go into MARSOC and for the Ranger units to make more sense. I also added cheesy callsigns as well.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 09:27:22 PM by Troubadour »
Bastard's Airsoft XO, Event Host, and  all around terrible person.


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #6 on: June 02, 2015, 10:04:55 PM »
So if were not up there we did not get the prepay in right?

Edit: I think I did not give what team I will be playing for when I first said I was going. So put me down with +2 for AJA.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2015, 10:09:56 PM by blakebriggs »


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #7 on: June 03, 2015, 06:43:15 AM »
So if were not up there we did not get the prepay in right?

Edit: I think I did not give what team I will be playing for when I first said I was going. So put me down with +2 for AJA.

I only received one payment, so I am just putting you down. I do not have any record of a +2 payment, are your +2's paying at the door then?
Bastard's Airsoft XO, Event Host, and  all around terrible person.


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2015, 01:45:30 PM »
Awesome! I love this new forum already. ;D
Sorry about the slight Group mixup.


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #9 on: June 03, 2015, 04:30:00 PM »
Yes they are paying at the door.


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2015, 11:15:21 AM »
Just a note. I am only adding prepays to this list. If you don't prepay or have friends that are prepaid I am not adding them to the roster. So this count doesn't show all the players that are actually coming, just the ones who have prepaid.

Additionally, I apologize for the shitty formatting. The way SMF handles formatting is not great.
Bastard's Airsoft XO, Event Host, and  all around terrible person.


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #11 on: June 05, 2015, 08:26:42 PM »
+1 me. I plan on being there - expect pre-payment shortly. Put me down for Jihadists. Payment Sent.

Are Hi-Cap magazines allowed? If not, I'll need to go shopping :).

Name: Samuel Snyder
« Last Edit: June 05, 2015, 08:41:01 PM by wackatoah »


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2015, 09:08:37 PM »
+1 me. I plan on being there - expect pre-payment shortly. Put me down for Jihadists. Payment Sent.

Are Hi-Cap magazines allowed? If not, I'll need to go shopping :).

Name: Samuel Snyder

Hi-Cap magazines are not allowed.
Bastard's Airsoft XO, Event Host, and  all around terrible person.


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2015, 11:50:46 PM »
Hello I'm signing up for MiA-Team on the Jihadist.
+1 Prepayment will arrive soon, thank you.


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Re: Bastard's RealSim: Operation White Mountain 20JUN2015
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2015, 12:25:24 AM »
Hello I'm signing up for MiA-Team on the Jihadist.
+1 Prepayment will arrive soon, thank you.
Well this is awkward. It seems we have similar names.

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"Think of yourselves as a hand. Each of you is a finger, and without the others you're useless."