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Author Topic: SCEN: Operation Jackal's Spirit 7/9/2017  (Read 6858 times)


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SCEN: Operation Jackal's Spirit 7/9/2017
« on: October 11, 2016, 02:08:54 AM »
2216 Stoney Ridge Road, West Branch Michigan 48661

Subject to change, the property is up for sale, but no one has been interested since it was posted months ago.
A backup location is planned if this falls through, but there will be a charge for the game since it will most likely be moved to Area 51 or Copemish depending on what strings I can pull.

Reason behind posting this event so early is due to the OCAA not hosting in 2 years.

Exact date is to be determined

Event Schedule

Pre Event Camping Open 5pm Day Before
Registration/Chrono 10:00am
Breifing 11:00am
Game Start 11:30am
Lunch Break: 3:00pm (I will try to have multiple microwaves avaible to make lunch smother on everyone)
Game Resumes 4:00pm
b]Game Ends[/b] 8:00pm, Night Ops may be planned
Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner will not be provided, it is highly advised you bring your own easy to prepare food, like trial mix, Dehydrated meals, MRES, ect

Age Limit

Registration and Payment
- As all previous OCAA games have been, this one is on us. :)
- Walk ons are Welcome, the more we can draw in the better.
- Waivers will be available on site at registration but in limited number, please do your best to make sure you have one prior to game day.
- Participants under the age of 18 must have a waiver signed by their parent or legal guardian. If you are under the age of 16, your ride, be it your parent or your friend is responsible for your conduct.

Printable wavier for download here

Uniforms Requirement is for each team are as follows.

DEA (Green) stuff like OD, Woodland, ACU Marpat, ect

The Jackal Cartel (Civilian Clothes)

Eye Protection
- ANSI Z87.1 rated full seal eye protection only, no exceptions.
- 'Full Seal' is defined as a foam band separating the lens of the goggle from the frame portion and the face of the user.
- Mesh goggles, lab safety goggles, safety glasses, etc will not be permitted under any circumstances.
- Lower face protection (Mesh Lowers, Mouth Guards, Etc) not not apply to this.

FPS and Engagement Limits

1.0 - 350.9 fps - Arms length engagement limit
351.0 - 409.9 fps - 20 foot engagement limit
420.0 - 550.9 fps – 50 foot engagement limit, bolt action or Semi-auto replicas only.
551.0+ fps - Prohibited or allowed with permission of event organizer only

Polarstars can only chrono up to 1.55 joules with whatever weight BB they intend to use for the day, which will be marked on their chrono tag. All shooters are subject to random on field chronograph to prevent on field tampering. Any Polarstar shooter found shooting significantly hotter than 1.55 joules will be ejected from the field

Semi-auto refers to replicas that do not have full-auto fire capability, no matter how the selector switch or other user input device is manipulated.

We do not have the capablity to fill P* or CO2 systems such as Polarstars, Vulkans or Tippmanns.

Medic Rules
- This event will utilize a tourniquet style heal system similar to other events and fields.
- All players are required to have two white armbands (will be provided) to heal other players.
- When a participant is hit, he or she must remain in the same spot (sitting, kneeling, etc is fine) with a kill rag on.
- Any friendly player nearby may heal a wounded player by tying a white armband on their arm. After that the wounded player may resume combat. Each armband/use counts as one life, two lives per respawn.
- Every player may be wounded twice before being considered dead and must return to their prospective respawn.

Respawn Rules
- Each team has a separate respawn location on opposite areas of the field.
- 15 minute respawns, using a 'Clock Respawn' system. Respawns are done every 15 minutes!
Example: 12:00, 12:15, 12:30, 12:45, 1:00, 1:15...
- Clocks are located at the spawn point for each team.
- Players are prohibited from assaulting either respawn location.

For Balance purposes, respawn times for a team may be reduced or opposing team may be pushed further back if we feel they are being steamrolled.

No one likes being pushed into a corner all day, this ruins the fun for everyone. The steamrolled team gets frustrated and the assaulting team gets bored

General Information.
- Running water and electricity are available on site.
- Restroom available on site.
- Camping space available but limited
- Parking is limited, make it easier on everyone and try to Carpool, this safes gas, space, money, and gives you some nice road trip memories.

Items to bring

- Full-Seal Eye Protection. [Required]
- Barrel Bag/Cover. [Required]
- Airsoft Replica and/or Sidearm. [Required]
- Magazines, Batteries, and BB's. [Required]
- Radio. [Highly Recommended]
- Flash Light / Tact. Light. [Highly Recommended]

- Red 'Kill' Rag. [Highly Recommended]
- Canteen / Hydration Pack. [Highly Recommended]
- Spare Batteries. [Highly Recommended]
- Extra Dry Clothing (Shirt, Pants, Socks). [Highly Recommended]
- Extra Dry Footware. [Highly Recommended]
- All the Airsofters you Can Bring [Highly Recommended]
- Tents and Sleeping Bag [Highly Recommended]
- Whatever food you will need for the event [Highly Recommended]

Barrel bags are required when outside of the game field. If you do not have a barrel bag, your magazine is not to be in the replica when off the field, please remember to do this before you leave the field and also clear your chamber before you enter the safe area.

We will not have them for sale so please remember to purchase one prior to the event.

Story line

Following a Trump/Clinton/InsertHere presidency, the new administration has taken a hardline Anti Weed stance due to pressure from pharmaceutical companies. States not in compliance with regulations under the Controlled Substance Act, which lists marijuana as a schedule 1 drug are at risk for having federal funding for key programs cut off from their state. Under fear of losing federal funding, States like Colorado comply, in turn, tanking their own economies as the states became highly reliant on tax income due to marijuana legalization.

Months pass, the current administration faces heavy criticism as cartels take the place of America businesses and begin their own operations. The administration is blamed for not having the foresight to see that this would happen, the administration simply denies their being a problem caused by their policies and blame it on the liberal media making a non issue a national scandal to try to paint the new president as an incompetent fool.

As tensions in the middle east continue to flare up over Syria and ISIS, Russia and China realize do to The United States ongoing and failing war on drugs, that they can do some real economic damage to The US and begin funding and supplying Cartels within The US. One of these Cartels is the The Jackal Cartel located in Northern Michigan.

Russia starts supplying seeds for a GMO strain of marijuana simply known as The Super Weed. This strain is capable of delivering a substantial amount of weed per plant with a high THC content. with this, The Jackal Cartel is able to supply most of the United States with weed grown in Northern Michigan. This makes them a powerful force in the criminal underworld but also a large target, as the drug trade could be crippled with a single blow. However despite this notoriety, the DEA still has no idea where the farms are located. Due to tight lipped dealers, a complex shipping method that utilizes the deep web, drones and a network a mules to get the drugs delivered.

In June 2017, a CIA OP in Russia manages to discover a sever farm used by the Russians to plan shipping routes involved in shipping the GMO seeds and Arms to various cartels across the world. These hackers are able to trace the location back to a farm located in the middle of the woods in Ogemaw county. With this information the CIA forwards this information to the DEA and begin working on planning a raid on facility
« Last Edit: October 11, 2016, 10:19:52 PM by Ogre »


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Re: SCEN: Operation Jackal's Spirit JULY 2017
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2016, 02:10:36 AM »
Projected Player Roster


The Jackal Cartel (Civilian)


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Re: SCEN: Operation Jackal's Spirit 7/9/2017
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2017, 05:47:38 PM »
Thread bump for 2017 viewing and discussion.
This got lost in the threads for being posted back in October, and until I hear otherwise, it's still a near-ish future event.

(Whoa, is he allowed to do that!? Mods feel free to reprimand me if I've sinned against the Eighth forum Commandment.)

If so, count 5+ in on Green/DEA if the event date ends up being moved.
July 9 is a Sunday, and most of the people I plan on bringing will be out of town for July 4th week already.
The post did say the exact date is TBD, but hasn't been updated since last year.

Simply put, it's not often Ogre puts on a laid-back scenario game, you guys. (for FREE, mind you.)

They've had 80+ players in games past, and there are solid safety measures in place each time. Some of which have been tested and enacted with real in-game medical emergencies. However if you plan to bring minors, I recommend camping elsewhere in lieu of previous liquored shenanigans...

Whether you plan to stay or not, it's well worth the drive up if the roster grows.
Just don't trust the GPS to get you there first time. :)


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Re: SCEN: Operation Jackal's Spirit 7/9/2017
« Reply #3 on: May 11, 2017, 03:02:52 PM »
I'm pretty sure this is cancelled.



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Re: SCEN: Operation Jackal's Spirit 7/9/2017
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2017, 01:58:29 AM »
so is this still going to happen?