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Author Topic: Transporting Airsoft in a Vehicle  (Read 34612 times)


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Transporting Airsoft in a Vehicle
« on: March 12, 2015, 10:27:10 PM »
CREDIT goes to SWAT A4  for creating the original thread:  http://miairsoft.proboards.com/thread/3007/transporting-airsoft-vehicle?page=1

Transporting Airsoft in a Vehicle.
Written by: SWATA4

Many airsofters throw their guns and gear in the back of their car and head out to the field,  then when they show up at the field, and start pulling guns out of the back seat, off the floor, and out of seat pockets. I'm not sure whether it's lack of knowledge, if people are in a hurry, or just don't care. I can tell you that it's carelessness. No reason or excuse will justify just throwing your replicas in the car without taking the necessary precautions. 

Walking into the unknown:
Above is a picture of my SUV at night. This is a picture to show what a police officer can see at night. There are 3 guns planted right in the open, and I bet you can't find them. A police officer walking up to a car; is like a bomb squad member opening up a suitcase left in a park. It could be empty, or it could explode. They are going to be nervous, especially at night. I am going to stress the "night" situation a lot in this article. When your airsoft game ends, it's always harder to put everything back where it belongs. You're tired and you may look at the car, see it's dark and then figure no one will see the guns if you leave them in the open. Now, you get pulled over.... You have assault rifles and pistols laying in the car. You are not allowed to step out of your vehicle, the police shine their flashlight through the windows, and see those weapons. Most likely, they will not walk up and casually talk. They will then ask you to step out of your vehicle at gunpoint, and it becomes a big thing. Something so little, can become life threatening.

Below, you can see where the 3 guns are. That's what the police officer would see when he shines his light in the car, or when you turn your lights on to find your vehicle insurance.

Scare Factor:
Storing things such as a pistol in your glove compartment might seem like a good idea if you don't have a case, right? WRONG. Now, you're pulled over, he's going to ask to see your insurance, you open the glove box, and he then sees this:

If you tell him that you have a gun in your glove compartment, that's sure going to scare him. If you reach at your glove box, he's now going to think you are reaching for the weapon. Either way, you better hope the officer has some mercy on you.

This on the seat? Looks pretty intimidating to me. That's asking to get in trouble.

Hiding it is no better. This is my replica 1911. It's an airsoft gun, but can you honestly tell the difference? I had the camera flash on to show what it would look like even during the day. Looks very real doesn't it?

You NEED to buy cases for your rifles. You should put the safety's on, take the magazines out of the mag well, make sure there aren't any bb's or gas/batteries left in them, and they should be out of reach if possible. A lock would even be a great investment. A police officer is going to see that you spent the time to take the proper precautions, and that is going to make both the officer's day, and your day much easier.

Orange Tips:
Is it the law? That's answer varies country to country, state to state, county to county, and even city to city. This is something you need to look up for yourself. The state of Illinois states that during transportation of air rifles, orange tips must be present.  It goes into details, but even if it's not the law, give the officers on the street a break. Several people have been shot by police officers, because they did not have orange tips on the guns. I'm not going to say you are going to get shot if you don't, but why not take every precaution you can. It may just save your life.

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