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Messages - zorak

Pages: [1]
Airsoft Discussion / Re: Odd Radio Settings.
« on: October 27, 2015, 10:49:48 AM »
So I was at a game recently and was having trouble reaching anyone on the team's designated radio channel even though I could hear occasional garbled static. Come to find out, a squad on our team was using radios that weren't configured using standard channels. The last time something like this happened a group was using very powerful radios on a sub-channel.

My question is why cut yourself off from the rest of the team and is operating a radio in this way illegal?

I want to find the guy who made up the name "sub-channel" and ridicule him until his entire family cries. I also want to do the same thing to the guy who invented the feature. It's entirely legal to use them but it's dumb. Not being able to hear other users of the channel means you can't tell when the frequency is clear, so you're likely to jam everyone else without meaning to.

Using alternate frequencies like MURS can make it easier to communicate without interference, but you need to be sure you know the law. Remember that this hobby will always be vulnerable to attack by bleeding hearts. One media story about airsofters screwing up radios for other people could lead to a rash of editorials about banning the sport. Be cool out there.

Moment of self-promotion: http://www.affronter.org/Airsoft/radios.html covers privacy codes and other topics.

AEG / Re: Barrel to cylinder ratio
« on: August 25, 2015, 03:10:53 PM »
Well when it comes to cylinder volume you have two at least two variables at play at least two important ones. One is the length of the barrel the other is the weight of the ammo your going to be using. The longer the barrel the more volume you need, the heavier the ammo the more volume you need. If you have excess volume, increasing the BB weight will cause jewel creep because the BB is staying the barrel longer and imparting more energy onto the BB. Basically Jewel creep is sort of unavoidable, if you've got enough volume to shoot the heavier ammo it's going to chrono lower with lower weight IE .2g BB's. If you don't have that setup then your undervolume which is also possibly a problem.

That's joule creep, brother. It doesn't have to be a problem if you're aware of it and make sure you're under the event limits with both the BBs you'll be using and the BBs they chronograph with.

Tech Questions / Re: M4 Mags in an AK?
« on: August 23, 2015, 06:34:43 PM »
If you aren't worried about realism, 1-2 AK hicaps should be enough to get you through most casual games. If you are worried about realism, the adaptor won't cut it.

Airsoft Discussion / Re: Bang kills
« on: August 17, 2015, 09:47:53 AM »
To be honest, I personally only use a bang kill ( or surrender for that matter) if its a one on one or one one two, I have a total drop on them, and I cannot feasibly engage them (within MED with no sidearm, ect).  Aside from that, the only time I wont just pop them once in the back is if they have no PC on.  And before anyone says HURRDURR IT"S AIRSOFT, IT DOESNT HURT THAT BAD, I prefer to not be a dick on the field, and if I don't have to give someone an extra welt, I wont.

Rules may vary by event but I've always been utterly opposed to bang kills as a way to work around an MED. If you're inside your weapon's MED and you don't have a sidearm, then you better back up or close to knife kill range, because otherwise, you are 100% harmless. You can ask for a surrender but if someone refuses, all you can do is duck.

Airsoft Discussion / Re: Bang kills
« on: August 16, 2015, 01:33:40 AM »
Bang kill rules suck. Anything beyond voluntary surrender and knife kill makes the game worse.

Airsoft Discussion / Re: New, but too old ?
« on: July 16, 2015, 09:45:55 AM »
A few thoughts from another guy in his 40s...

  • Start with rec games and work your way up. In a rec game, you can play for 20 minutes and then sit out a round if you need to stop, hydrate, and take a load off your knees. If you like it, condition your way up to scenario or milsim play.
  • Focus on getting good health and safety gear first. You can have fun and enjoy being at a game even if you're not competitive, because airsofters are generally fun people to hang around with. It's a lot harder to enjoy yourself if your mask is always fogged, or if you're not staying hydrated and become incapacitated in the middle of the day.
  • Don't buy gear for the sake of having gear. Carrying all that crap around starts to add up after a few hours. Going out there dressed like you're going to spend 72 hours behind enemy lines in North Korea just hurts you if the games only last 15 minutes each.
[li]Do think about the gear your need and take the time to buy the right stuff. A great price on gear you don't use ends up being a very bad value.

Airsoft Discussion / MOVED: Buy or trade
« on: June 09, 2015, 11:05:35 AM »

Airsoft Discussion / Re: Let's get the party started.
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:50:33 PM »
I joined MIA in late 2003 after Munin put me in touch with the rest of Geist Kompanie, started playing in 2004, and got really into it. As GK slowly fell apart, and other interests grew more significant in my life, I stopped playing so much. Now I play occasionally at best. An increasing portion of the community is younger than my daughter is. My favorite weapons are the ARES/STAR L85 and the Systema PTW.

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