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Messages - CopperRiver

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Well, by splitting up the playerbase into the 4 separate teams, it unlocks that dynamic ability to morph the battlefield as a game progresses. It is a yet unproven idea, but on paper is seems very reasonable to me. As well, the 4 teams (other than the issue with multiglam = tan or =green) seem very distinct from each other. I realize this isn't the conventional way of thinking about airsoft events, but I hope that by the end of the month I'll be able to tell you whether it worked.

I do not plan on making those team-changing movements much or at all, but I simply am leaving it unlocked for the possible fix for an uneven team balance. If the teams are balanced, then the civilians will be allied with green the whole day, and the contractors will be allied with tan the whole day. It's just an extra method of balance.

As a correction; I did not intend to be accusatory; my predecessor painted MIA as something it is not, and I am merely trying to reconnect AAMTU with MIA. I believe your regulations are fair and reasonable, we have simply modified them to better meet our needs.

So I'll give my two cents on this all;

My name is Colin Redner, I'm the president of AAMTU way up here in Houghton. I’ve met quite a few of you, whether at OP Lion Claws, Fading Light, or on UP Airsoft. I suppose my best link to all this is my own experience as an event organizer; we run two OPs each year that we must structure to meet the epitome of the MI playerbase. We have the perfect playerbase, with players of all skill levels and experiences from across the Midwest. The issue is, our playerbase is limited by the size of the UP in general; as such, we structure our Ops to meet all player varieties.

For example, to follow up on Lucas’s comment on teams we will be offering FOUR teams, and it solves allot of the issues I see many of you discussing. For example, for our Op coming up in October, we have the following teams: US/NATO (Tan Camo), RU/CN (Green-base camo), Contractor (Tan plainclothes with black shirt/polo), and civilian (normal civilian clothes).

The biggest issue this fixes is uniform requirements; all players (MilSim West players to 2nd-time players) can find their place in a team, with like-skilled players and tasks. I can send the two camo teams to engage in higher-skill firefights (long-range, forest, flanking, etc.), the two newer teams to fight in easier firefights (CQB areas, buildings, etc.), and then mix them all in the medium-skill areas.  This lets everyone have  the opportunity to play with and against players of the same skill, without sectioning them out.

The other issue this solves is of team-balance. In 2-team Ops, one will always be more skilled than the other (Green > multicam, multicam > civilians, generally). By sectioning into four teams, it allows me to dynamically modify team balances. For example, lets say Green and Civilian are allied at the beginning of the game, versus the allied Tan and Contractor. If Tan is doing too well, Green “buys out” the contractors, and turns the tide of the game while maintaining the storyline. I still usually maintain an Opfor vs Blufor pattern, but I can modify who is on what team with a simple radio call.

EDIT: As for social media, we exist mostly locally, although have been branching out on FB recently; It's simply a location that allot of our playerbase is already familiar with. We will hopefully be getting more involved on here in the near future.

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