• How far do you travel to play airsoft? Average 1 hour, max 4+ hours
• How often do you play per month? Twice a month
• How many BB’s do you use during the spand of All Day Play(12 hours)? Depends on length of games and if limited to semi only. average I'd say it about 1500 rounds for an AEG.
• Do you purchase lunch from the fields you play at? If it's available.
• What do you like/dislike about the current fields you play on? (Design/Layout, Services, Fees) Fields vary so wildly in design. Personally I like the field setups at lone wolf and hells survivors best for outdoor, and MCA for indoors. Definitely needs a mix of speedsoft (high amounts of cover and tight sight lines) and larger areas with bounding cover (for snipers and dmrs). Matrix airsofts field has some great flanking paths in some high reeds that were super nice as well. HPA fills are a must have nowadays with the number of Polarstars you will see. Having a sports shop with the common needed items (barrel bags, mesh masks, speed loaders, bbs, green gas) is a must to support the players. Average price is around $15-20/person for a standard rec style game, but can be as much as $100/person or more for special events.
• What do you consider a fair price at a top quality field or event? Depends if it's a special event, rec game, sponsored, props, etc. anything from $50 to $200 is fair depends on the event and the special effects/raffles involved.
• If a field was designed and run specifically for airsoft, I.e. no paintballers, would you be willing to…
It depends less of if a field includes paintball or not and more what is special that field offers that sets it apart from other fields. Whether it's a larger AO, special bunkers/trenchs/buldings setup, a special game type or prop, or have vehicles in use. Those sort of things I'd be willing to pay more of a premium for or to travel farther to. (Black ops airsoft has a helicopter they bring in every other weekend for instance)
• How often do you visit an actual business licensed airsoft field? twice a month.
• How much monthly do you spend on airsoft? $500-$1000
• Are you apart of a team? Nope
• Would you attend during special events, regular daily play or both? Special events more likely depending on where it is located. I try to travel to every field in michigan to give them all a shot and share my experiences with others.
•Are you interested in State/League competition play? If you can figure out a way to have a fair "competitive" airsoft game let me know.
• Do you enjoy teaching new players? Definitely, I spend most of my time chatting with new players and trying to share what I have learned to build this hobby.
Feel free to email me at thewhitewolf079@gmail.com if you have any more questions.