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Author Topic: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW  (Read 17804 times)


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SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« on: March 26, 2019, 05:02:23 PM »
Operation: Cherry Blossoms
Saturday, July 27th, 2019

Players are asked to post and communicate about upcoming games with other people. Turnouts will often increase if people know more people are going to attend a given event. Please help spread the word for larger game turnouts.

To all participants, World War II era uniforms and/or gear is NOT required for participation in this event. This would be too restrictive and too niche for 90% of players.

Hole in the Wall Paintball - 24262 66th Street, Bangor, Michigan 49013
(269) 353-2978

Ages: 14+
Participant Fee: $35.00 (Walk On, Cash Only! No Credit Card On Site), $25.00 (PayPal Prepay).
Prepay (PayPal) Information: armoryairsoft@gmail.com (Due By: 07/01/2019).
~ 2, Rental Units Available (Entry, Replica, Mask, and 500 Rounds) - $35.00 Per Person. Limited quantity.

- Signature of parent or guardian required for all minor participants.
- Waivers will be available at game registration.
- Free event camping open to all participants 18 and up.
- Minors 16 and up with parents or guardians are allowed.

Useful Links: {Field Waiver}, {To Bring Checklist}, {Driving Directions}, {Weather Conditions}.

Walk-On Registrations: Post in the official event thread with your name, call-sign, team, and what faction you would like to play on (Green or Tan). Payment will be made at field registration, cash only. No credit card sales.

- All walk-on registrations must have a signed-dated waiver before participation. Additional waivers will be available at event registration.

Prepay Registrations: Paypal registration amount to armoryairsoft@gmail.com. Please include your name, call sign, team, and which faction you would like to play on.

- Please mark all prepays with the subject "Op: Cherry Blossoms Registration".
- Include your participant information (Name/Callsign, Desired Faction, and Number of Players Attending).
- Please print your PayPal payment conformation and bring it to registration! This is proof you have prepaid!
- All prepay registrations must have a signed-dated waiver before participation.
- Additional waivers will be available at event registration.

Event Times:

Pre Event Camping Opens: 2:00 PM, Friday, July 26th, 2019.
Registration/Chronograph Open: 9:00 AM, Saturday, July 27th, 2019.
Event Briefing/Field Walk On: 10:00 AM.
Game Start: 10:15-10:30 AM.
Lunch Period: 1:30-2:30 PM.
Game Resumes: 2:40 PM.
Event End: 5:00 PM.
Post Event Camping Opens: Conclusion of Event.

- For the complete event story line, please see the information at the bottom of this post.
- For Historical Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cherry_Blossoms_at_Night

Eye Protection Regulations:

- ANSI Z87.1 rated full seal eye protection only, no exceptions.
- 'Full Seal' is defined as a foam band separating the lens of the goggle from the frame portion and the face of the user.
- Mesh goggles, lab safety goggles, safety glasses, etc will not be permitted under any circumstances.
- Lower face protection (Mesh Lowers, Mouth Guards, Etc) not not apply to this.

Uniform Requirements:

To all participants, World War II era uniforms and/or gear is NOT required for participation in this event. This would be too restrictive and too niche for 90% of players.

United States (Green Team): M81 Woodland, Woodland MARPAT, Woodland DPM, Tiger Stripe, OD Green, Alpenflage, Contractor, and Street Clothing.

Imperial Japan (Tan Team): Multicam, Three Color Desert, Six Color Desert, Arid MARPAT, ACU, ABU, Black, and Urban.

- Uniforms that follow either a green based pattern or a tan based pattern, but are not listed will be automatically be placed with a faction of similar color. Message for details or information.
- Ghillie Suits are allowed on either faction.
- Mismatched uniforms are not allowed under any circumstances. (IE: Woodland Pants and a Six-Color Desert Jacket).
- Gear color is irrelevant to uniform/faction requirements for all players.
- All participants not following set uniform regulations will be issued either a red or blue colored armbands for player identification.

* Multicam, Contractor, and Civilian Clothing are considered "swing uniforms" and may be switched between factions for logistics.
- 'Contractor' (Private Military Contractor) is defined as khaki colored pants and a black top. No exceptions.

Engagement Limits:

- 1 - 350.0 FPS (0.01j - 1.07j) - Arms Length Engagement.
- 350.1  - 410.0 FPS (1.08j - 1.49j) - 20 Foot Engagement.
- 410.1 - 500.0 FPS (1.50j - 2.32j) - 50 Foot Engagement (Permanent Semi-Auto or Bolt Action Only).
- 500.1 - 549.9 FPS (2.33j - 2.69j) - Bolt Action Replicas Only.
- 550 FPS+ (2.7j) - Prohibited Under All Circumstances.

- Velocities will be measured using the weight of BB being used.
- FPS and Joules will be used for this event.
- All replicas will be issued 'chronograph' tags after being registered and measured. These must remain on the replica for the entire event.

Ammunition-Weapon Regulations:

Handguns, Shotguns, Submachine Guns, and Assault Rifles: 1,000 Rounds.
- All magazine (Low, Mid, or High Capacity) types allowed.

Support Weapons: 2,500 Rounds.
- All magazine (Low, Mid, High Capacity, Box, or Drum) types allowed.

Sniper Rifle and Designated Marksman: 500 Rounds.
- Low or Mid Capacity Magazines Only.

Rocket Launchers, Landmines, IED's, Etc: Undetermined (Normally Allowed).
- Prior field approval only.

Sound Grenades: Allowed.
- Kill Radius: 15 feet.

Smoke Grenades (Hot and Cold Burn): Allowed.
- Allowed with common sense use (if it's starting a fire, put it out).
- Don't ruin it for everyone else (lifetime bans will be issued for reckless use).

- Additional amounts of ammunition or personal items may be left at prospective team respawn location (at your own risk).
- Participants may leave the event at any point to retrieve additional quantities of ammunition, etc stored in other locations (staging area, vehicles, campsites, etc) and may resume game-play immediately by walking to the prospective teams re-spawn location.

Barrel Bag/Barrel Plug Regulations:

- All participants must have a barrel bag or a muzzle plug on or in their replica when out of gameplay.
- Barrel bags are available at paintball registration for $7.00 each.

Re-Spawn and Medic Rules:

Three lives per player! Life count resets with each new respawn.

- 15 minute respawns, using a 'Clock Respawn' system. Respawns are done every 15 minutes!
Example: 12:00, 12:15, 12:30, 12:45, 1:00, 1:15...
- Clocks are located at the spawn point for each team.
- Players are prohibited from assaulting either respawn location.
- Re-spawns are located outside of all field borders.

- Medic's must keep both hands on a wounded player for one minute in order to 'heal' a wounded player.
- Players have three 'lives' per re-spawn. Players may only be healed three times per re-spawn.
- All players have a two minute 'Bleed-Out' time. Players may chose to respawn instead of waiting 120 seconds.
- Friendly players are allowed to use a 120 second 'Stabilize' time for wounded players. Players must keep two hands on the wounded player to stabilize.
- 2 person drags are allowed to move wounded players out of combat to a friendly medic. Players must ask consent before drag action occurs.
- If a player is hit a second time while bleeding out (wounded), being stabilized, being healed, or being dragged; the player is considered 'dead' and must return to their prospective respawn.

Bang Kills:

- Bang kills will not be allowed for this event. Players will replicas firing over established velocity limits must use a sidearm to engage closer targets or in small environments.

Knife/Bayonet/Touch Kills:

- Participants may opt to use a simple 'Touch Kill' to quietly disable an opponent. Players must say "Knife Kill" to the opposing party and physically touch the other.
- Participants may use a replica knife/bayonet to also conduct a kill using a physical touch.
- Do not jab, physically assault, or use undue amounts of force.
- Real-Steel knives and bayonets are prohibited under all circumstances.

Surrender Rules:

- No surrender rules of any kind will be in place for this event.

Lost-Found Items and Stolen Property Policy:

- Hole in the Wall Paintball LLC and/or affiliates will not be held responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property of any kind on field grounds.
- Participants are strongly advised to not take unnecessary items onto field grounds or playing areas.

General Field Information:

- HPA fills are available on site. $5.00 for all day air fills, up to 2,500 PSI.
- CO2 fills are available on site. 9 oz - $1.00, 12 oz - $2.00, 20 oz - $3.00 , 24 oz - $4.00.
- 2,500 .25 BB's - $20.00 Per Bottle.
- CO2 Powerlets - $1.00 Each.
- Green Gas - $15.00 Per Can.
- Insect Repellent - $7.00 Per Can.
- Barrel Bags - $7.00 Each.
- Rental Masks - $5.00 Each.
- Various Uniforms (Limited) - $20.00 Per Piece.
- Rental Units [2] (Entry, Replica, Mask, and 500 BB's) - $35.00 Per Rental.

- Power outlets are available on location.
- Live firearms (real steel) are not permitted on field property.

Lunch Period:

To Be Determined

What To Bring Checklist:

- Printable What To Bring Checklist -,

Questions? Want to sign up? Post in this event thread or send a message.

Operation: Cherry Blossom Storyline

For Historical Information: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Cherry_Blossoms_at_Night

"We call upon the government of Japan to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Japanese armed forces and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Japan is prompt and utter destruction."

- Potsdam Declaration (Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, Chiang Kai-shek).

“I consider the Joint Proclamation a rehash of the Declaration at the Cairo Conference. As for the Government, it does not attach any important value to it at all. The only thing to do is just kill it with silence. We will do nothing but press on to the bitter end to bring about a successful completion of the war.”

- Prime Minister Suzuki.

Allies Drop Atomic Weapons On Japanese Cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The United States with the expressed permission of the United Kingdom has dropped two different types of atomic weapons on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. “Fat Man” and “Little Boy” have caused massive amounts of damage to both cities, resulting in devastation of local infrastructure, utilities, military installations, and the deaths of thousands of Japanese citizens. The use of these new weapons developed in conjunction with Great Britain, is hoped to push the remnants of the Japanese Empire into capitulating and accepting the terms of the Potsdam Declaration

Japanese Submarines and Aircraft Sighted Off The California Coast

The United States Navy has intercepted five Japanese bombers launched from I-400 class submarines. The Imperial aircraft managed to evade radar detection and were not spotted until they were within 2 miles of San Diego. Damage however, appears to be minimal, with downed aircraft crashing into nearby structures and roadways. The aircraft were reported to be lightly armed with unknown types of ceramic bombs along with conventional gravity bombs. The remaining Submarines sunk the Destroyers USS Hamilton and USS Columbus before disappearing before the waves west of California.

The United States Navy in conjunction with the Air Force has reinforced anti-aircraft defenses along the California coastline with the expectation of further Japanese attacks in the Pacific region. In addition to reinforced anti-air defenses, the Navy has begun to conduct more thorough patrols of nearby sea lanes and ports.

Mysterious Illness Reported Near Los Angeles and San Diego

Hospitals and clinics around Southern California have been flooded with people seeking treatment for an unknown illness that is sewing panic among locals. Swollen lymph nodes, tumors, and a high fever have been reported by patients and medical staff in the affected areas. The illness, now dubbed as “Diego Fever” has baffled members of the medical community and scholars around the country. Having already caused 15 deaths, hospitals and clinics are scrambling to discover the source of this mysterious sickness and how to effectively treat it before more deaths occur. Doctor’s from the military have also been recruited to aid with local relief efforts and attempt to study this illness.

Multiple makeshift clinics and treatment centers have sprung up in various parts of Southern California. Some staffed by auxiliary members of the military in conjunction with local medical personnel, others by the American Red Cross. This in contrast to the massive wartime build-up of men and supplies, makes for a disconcerting sight across the state. The governor of California has asked the public for volunteers to aid with the staffing of overwhelmed medical facilities.

Imperial Navy Bombards and Invades Hawaiian Territory

Suffering its worst defeat since the initial attack on Pearl Harbor, the American navy has been dealt a damaging blow by the Japanese. The remnants of the Japanese navy have pulled off an astounding victory over the United States. In a well calculated pre dawn attack, Japanese Zeros scored direct hits on two aircraft carriers and three destroyers. All five ships were badly damaged and sank quickly in the harbor with all crew members on board. The bombing also ignited munitions and fuel depots in the center of the base, starting massive fires consuming three barracks and partially destroyed a newly built radar station.

The initial wave of air and naval bombardment was followed by an immediate amphibious assault by the Imperial Japanese Navy, landing on multiple beaches on O’ahu and Hawai’i. The landing quickly overwhelmed already strained American forces on the islands. The main island of Hawai’i was captured when the last of U.S. troops evacuated to Kaua’i under heavy Japanese fire.
General Douglas MacArthur has quoted as saying that he is ‘extremely concerned’ regarding the loss of life and land on the Hawaiian territory. The greatest fear however is the Japanese will copy the American strategy of taking island after island, getting ever closer to the American mainland. Aerial reconnaissance over the Pacific ocean is said to have spotted multiple Cruisers, supply ships, and an additional aircraft carrier heading towards the Hawaiian Islands. The Japanese carriers Ijjuin, Tetsutaro, Kakuta, recently moored at Pearl Harbor are reported to be moving east in the Pacific Ocean

California Hospitals Overwhelmed With Severely Ill Patients

Hospitals in California are overflowing with severely ill patients desperately seeking treatment. ‘I’ve never seen anything like this before, so many people and so fast.  Dr. Wiat Kraft said. “It’s a grizzly sight, our morgue is overflowing. We don’t know what to do.” The mysterious illness which surfaced about a month ago in the region is considered an epidemic by universities and researchers around the country. Experts at Johns Hopkins University and officials at Yale have recommended quarantining the region of Southern California to prevent the outbreak from spreading.

Government officials seem to agree with this decision. Large numbers of troops have left bases in Northern California and Oregon to join an already growing number of government and law enforcement officials. Quarantined areas are reminiscent of battlefields, barbed wire, barrages, and soldiers everywhere. Checkpoints have been erected on major roadways in and out of areas. Everybody passing through the gates is subject to a thorough shakedown. Troops bound to reinforce already weak American positions on the Hawaiian islands have been ordered to stay on the mainland and assist with the emergency in the state.

U.S. Troops Diverted To Assist Quarantine of Southern California

In a rapidly worsening situation, American troops destined towards reinforcing positions throughout the Pacific have been diverted towards California to enforce a nearly statewide quarantine. Civilians have been subject to a military curfew with the intent of minimizing the damage caused by this unknown disease. All major highways and roads have been blockaded and all rail services have been shut down.

Multiple military advisers have expressed concern over the diversion of thousands of troops designed to combat areas in the Pacific towards emergency assistance in the United States. Military positions throughout the Pacific theater of war, including the now contested Hawaiian islands are already strained by renewed Imperial assaults. These positions will now be devoid of almost all reinforcements from the mainland United States.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2019, 05:16:43 PM by Canto »
~ FLAK ~


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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2019, 05:05:04 PM »
Projected (RSVP) Roster
As of July 21st, 2019

Projected Total: 17+

United States (Green Team): 08

Uniforms: M81 Woodland, Woodland MARPAT, Woodland DPM, Tiger Stripe, OD Green, Alpenflage, Contractor, and Street Clothing.

Commanding Officer: Sineway, Joey
Executive Officer: Sisson, Mike
Medic 1: Grott, Nathan
Medic 2: [Sineway, Jake
Medic 3: Position Available
Medic 4: Position Available

- Kim, Young
- Hunt, Eric
- Sisson, Mike
- Ash, Chris

Imperial Japan (Tan Team): 09

Uniforms: Multicam, Three Color Desert, Six Color Desert, Arid MARPAT, ACU, ABU, Black, and Urban.

Commanding Officer: Joker
Executive Officer: Position Available
Medic 1: Conman
Medic 2: Carter
Medic 3: Position Available
Medic 4: Position Available

- Louis, Robert x 3
- Holmes, Brad x 3

- Uniforms that follow either a green based pattern or a tan based pattern, but are not listed will be automatically be placed with a faction of similar color. Message for details or information.
- Ghillie Suits are allowed on either faction.
- Mismatched uniforms are not allowed under any circumstances. (IE: Woodland Pants and a Six-Color Desert Jacket).
- Gear color is irrelevant to uniform/faction requirements for all players.
- All participants not following set uniform regulations will be issued either a red or blue colored armbands for player identification.

* Multicam, Contractor, and Civilian Clothing are considered "swing uniforms" and may be switched between factions for logistics.
- 'Contractor' (Private Military Contractor) is defined as khaki colored pants and a black top. No exceptions.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2019, 06:42:16 PM by Canto »
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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2019, 10:56:39 PM »
Count me in! It'll be myself as PMC and my buddy on the US team.  Waiting to hear if I can get that day off work. If so we'll pay via PayPal a week in advance. Thanks!

Young Kim- PMC -Callsign: Stance

Eric Hunt- Woodland DPM -Callsign: Souvec

Souvec would like to run as medic as well
« Last Edit: May 08, 2019, 11:12:03 PM by stance808 »


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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2019, 08:37:37 PM »
Roster Updated! Currently sitting at 5 projected (RSVP) participants.

Looking for officers and medics on both factions!
« Last Edit: May 09, 2019, 08:40:01 PM by Canto »
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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2019, 08:54:34 AM »
To all interested participants. World War II era gear or uniforms are not required for this event. This event will use standard Green/Tan uniform breakdown similar to most games.

United States (Green Team): M81 Woodland, Woodland MARPAT, Woodland DPM, Tiger Stripe, OD Green, Alpenflage, Contractor, and Street Clothing.

Imperial Japan (Tan Team): Multicam, Three Color Desert, Six Color Desert, Arid MARPAT, ACU, ABU, Black, and Urban.

- Uniforms that follow either a green based pattern or a tan based pattern, but are not listed will be automatically be placed with a faction of similar color. Message for details or information.
- Ghillie Suits are allowed on either faction.
- Mismatched uniforms are not allowed under any circumstances. (IE: Woodland Pants and a Six-Color Desert Jacket).
- Gear color is irrelevant to uniform/faction requirements for all players.
- All participants not following set uniform regulations will be issued either a red or blue colored armbands for player identification.

* Multicam, Contractor, and Civilian Clothing are considered "swing uniforms" and may be switched between factions for logistics.
- 'Contractor' (Private Military Contractor) is defined as khaki colored pants and a black top. No exceptions.
~ FLAK ~


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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #5 on: May 16, 2019, 09:04:14 AM »
To all participants, World War II era uniforms and/or gear is NOT required for participation in this event. This would be too restrictive and too niche for 90% of players.
~ FLAK ~


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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2019, 08:09:45 PM »
Curious if Taggin R2Bs pyrotechnics grenades were approved for this milsim. Thanks!


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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #7 on: May 20, 2019, 12:06:27 PM »

Yes, they are allowed.
~ FLAK ~


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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #8 on: June 03, 2019, 05:15:19 PM »
Just a reminder for all participants. To be listed on the official roster for this event, you must RSVP with the following information: your name, desired faction (Green or Tan), and the number of players attending.

Please send all registrations to our Facebook page or our web page.
To prepay, please PayPal $20.00 to armoryairsoft@gmail.com

- Please use the sending money to family or friends option.
- Prepay Deadline: June 1st, 2019.
- Please include your registration information.
- Print and bring your payment conformation.

* Please post and share this event around. The more people that know about a given event, the more people that are more likely to show. Help spread the word to get larger game turnouts!

Event Roster: https://www.miairsoft.org/index.php?topic=1912.0

#holeinthewallpaintball #hitw #michiganairsoft #mia #airsoftevents #events #airsoft #michigan #southwestmichigan
~ FLAK ~


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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2019, 09:32:16 AM »
Roster Updated! Currently Sitting At: 6+ Participants.

- Green Team: 3
- Tan Team: 3

Looking for officers and medics for both teams!

Just a reminder for all participants. To be listed on the official roster for this event, you must RSVP with the following information: your name, desired faction (Green or Tan), and the number of players attending.

* Please post and share this event around. The more people that know about a given event, the more people that are more likely to show. Help spread the word to get larger game turnouts!

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/574387099709340
« Last Edit: June 21, 2019, 11:09:34 AM by Canto »
~ FLAK ~


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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2019, 09:43:46 PM »
Roster Updated! Currently Sitting At: 6+ Participants (6 Green vs. 3 Tan).

Looking XO's and medics for both teams!

Just a reminder for all participants. To be listed on the official roster for this event, you must RSVP with the following information: your name, desired faction (Green or Tan), and the number of players attending.

* Please post and share this event around. The more people that know about a given event, the more people that are more likely to show. Help spread the word to get larger game turnouts!

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/574387099709340
~ FLAK ~


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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #11 on: June 26, 2019, 09:41:02 AM »
Roster Updated! Currently Sitting At: 10+ Participants (7 Green vs. 3 Tan).

Tan team is looking for players! Looking for medics on both teams!

Just a reminder for all participants. To be listed on the official roster for this event, you must RSVP with the following information: your name, desired faction (Green or Tan), and the number of players attending.

* Please post and share this event around. The more people that know about a given event, the more people that are more likely to show. Help spread the word to get larger game turnouts!

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/574387099709340
~ FLAK ~


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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #12 on: July 05, 2019, 03:41:26 PM »
Roster Updated! Currently Sitting At: 16+ Participants (7 Green vs. 9 Tan).

Tan team is looking for players! Looking for medics on both teams!

Just a reminder for all participants. To be listed on the official roster for this event, you must RSVP with the following information: your name, desired faction (Green or Tan), and the number of players attending.

* Please post and share this event around. The more people that know about a given event, the more people that are more likely to show. Help spread the word to get larger game turnouts!

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/574387099709340
~ FLAK ~


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Re: SCN: Operation: Cherry Blossoms ~ 07/27/2019 @ HITW
« Reply #13 on: July 21, 2019, 06:42:00 PM »
Roster Updated! Currently Sitting At: 17+ Participants (8 Green vs. 9 Tan).

Tan team is looking for players! Looking for medics on both teams!

Just a reminder for all participants. To be listed on the official roster for this event, you must RSVP with the following information: your name, desired faction (Green or Tan), and the number of players attending.

* Please post and share this event around. The more people that know about a given event, the more people that are more likely to show. Help spread the word to get larger game turnouts!

Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/574387099709340
~ FLAK ~