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« on: September 26, 2017, 12:16:50 AM »
This GHK has been a WIP for the previous 9 months. I bought it second hand from a guy I know in Texas, he used it quite often, including at two MSWs. I got the gun and 4 mags for $330, then went back later and got the remaining 6 for $170. Considering these retail at $400 with the mags costing $50 a piece, i considered it a great deal. I like a good project, and this is exactly that. From the day i got it, it was problematic. GHK used a cheap pot metal for the full auto sear so it snapped and made it full auto only. I ordered a new, semi-auto only sear and replaced it, but in doing so I stretched out a spring and made it too weak to cycle. I ordered a new one, but the biggest problem spawned during MSW's Seize Grozny in late January. I was performing maintenance the first night and in the process lost the hop-up nub. Due to going broke purchasing other things, this issue went unaddressed for 7 months, just being fixed in late August. I had attempted making my own nubs, but they weren't solid enough. Through repeated use at MCA indoor, the hammer began to deteriorate and eventually split in two. The bolt carrier was also falling apart, so I finally replaced all of those parts. Now, it shoots 400 exactly with .20s and is back to my main gun. I'll be using it at MSW's Caspian Breakout in late October but for now it is holding strong. The externals include an LCT SKBTR stock, a Zenitco B-10, a bulgarian plum upper handguard, and an SRVV muzzle brake. Pictured it has a PKA-V sight. Overall, GHKs as a whole are extremely tough guns. They have LCT Externals, they fit real AK furniture, while the externals are hit or miss due to the wear put on them, I'm still impressed with how mine held up. It managed to hold together with the hammer broken in two for about a month. I would recommend buying new instead of used just because of how much wear may or may not be on the gun when you get it. I would also recommend replacing certain parts like the sear and hammer with Hephaestus aftermarket parts. GHKs may not be cheap, but they're good guns.

« on: September 25, 2017, 11:53:56 PM »
One of my two go-to rifles is this RPK-74M made by LCT. This one is currently on loan from an extremely generous friend, but I will soon be purchasing it. The gun itself has been through countless rec games, a few scenario games, one 24 hour milsim and one Milsim West. Through all this, it only had one failure, and that was just bearings being bearings. Granted, it was built like a tank internally by one of the best techs in Japan. Currently, the externals I have mounted are a TWI B-20 railed handguard, a plum upper handguard, and a BCM grip i put on backwards to use as a handstop. For spooky night things, I put a DBAL on the B-20. All in all, I can't recommend LCT enough. Their externals are top-notch, and the internals are pretty reliable stock, however I would recommend getting it tuned and probably swapping the trigger contacts as those go somewhat quickly. They also have super unique guns like the VSS/Val family, the PP-19-01 Vityaz, and soon to be the PKP. They aren't as picky as E&Ls as far as after-market parts go, or mags for that matter. I run a variety of different brands of mags in the RPK and they all work the same, it's pretty simplistic. Overall, LCTs are a safe bet for a top-tier AK.

After Action Reports / AAR: Bastards Rec Game @ 82nd
« on: September 25, 2017, 10:41:39 PM »
This past weekend, Mosin and the Bastards hosted their first rec game at a newer field called 82nd Airsoft in Highland, MI. The event ran from 10-5, and was overall very well managed and was a fun experience. The field owners, Mike and Vince, were extremely pleasant and helped the Bastards with admissions, chrono, and were helping on the field as refs. There were about 30-40 players at the peak around 12-3, but due to extreme heat (reaching up to 95) most people didn't stay the entire duration. The players themselves were nice and seemed to be good sports, as it seems there weren't any issues that day. The field itself is made up of a variety of areas such as a military base-type fortification with a trench line and watch tower, there was some elevation change making for interesting firefights, as well as a plethora of natural and artificial cover, such as pillboxes and foxholes. The plan for the field going into next year drawn up by Mosin showcases some really awesome additions to the field and if I can find it i'll link it. This event was probably one of my favorite over the course of the summer which is saying a lot considering I've played almost every weekend. I would definitely love to see this field thrive, especially with Mosin at the helm. Their next event is scheduled for 10/7 so if you get the chance definitely go check it out.

Clothing & Load Bearing Gear / 2016-17 SOBR Kit (WAS 901, Bagariy, ACH)
« on: September 22, 2017, 03:43:32 AM »
Here I have a few pieces of neat gear from my collection. All of these have seen use in some capacity with various SOBR units across Russia, mainly SOBR Moscow/Bulat, Terek, and Rys. For those of you who are unaware, SOBR is the equivalent to SWAT here in the US, with regional teams. Therefore, their gear varies by unit based on task and budget.

Warrior Assault Systems 901: While mainly issued in multicam, this rig has also been seen in use in ATACs. Especially with SSO units in Syria, which is the main reason i got this rig. It's an extremely neat chest rig, very comfortable and adjustable. Unlike the similar Mk2 made by Tasmanian Tiger or JTech, the WAS 901 does not have any built in pouches. This allows for maximum optimization. It has the front panel as well as a chest panel for like an admin pouch, however i keep that folded away. There is a zipper on the right side of the panel 3 molle spaces in, which makes it very easy to put on and take off. In the picture I have 4x VOIN shingles in olive, 2x FORT IAPs (meant for 9x39 mags) in black, an SRVV horizontal GP pouch, and a WAS 2x2 in ATACs. I have since ditched one of the IAPs, moved the other one to the empty molle space on the right of the rig, and put a black SRVV double frag pouch on the front. Other tiny things on the rig are 2x MSW tourniquets on the shoulder straps and an IFF band.

Classcom Bagariy: This armor I bought back in December from a Russian gear seller named Demych, it's fairly comfy but it's as bulky as it looks. This is THE MVD armor, as pretty much every unit I've seen has been issued these. They have molle and I have utilized it in the past, but it's much more commonly seen slick with rigs over it and/or a belt kit. There's 4 plates, one chest and one gut plate in both the front and back. Used in conjunction with the soft armor I believe it's rated to GOST 5, which is somewhere between NIJ III and IV. Currently, I have two SSO frag pouches and a Tactical Tailor Utility pouch, which I use as a dump pouch. Overall it's extremely nice and i have no complaints.

SDS Advanced Combat Helmet: Surprisingly SOBR units tend to use US ACHs, mainly as a stopgap between older helmets and the newer, lighter helmets. To my knowledge, only the Foliage Green shells have been seen, but also covers are extremely commonplace. My current setup consists of basic MICH pads, ACH suspension system, a USGI Norotos one hole shroud, Norotos Rhino mount, and a PVS-14 on a j-arm. Not pictured is a Surefire HL-1 in tan, which has a white and blue light, three different brightness settings, and an IR Strobe. Overall this is my go-to helmet, mainly because it feels like nothing and the pads are comfortable. My one complaint is the chinstrap but I barely use it.

As stated above, all of this gear is seen in use to some extent with various SOBR units and I thoroughly enjoy all of them. If you have any questions about the gear in question, where to acquire this gear, or just questions about Russian kit in general, don't hesitate to reply or PM me.

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