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AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« on: June 20, 2015, 06:22:25 PM »

« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 06:28:43 PM by X »

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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2015, 07:16:55 PM »
Had way to much fun today. Between Fatty(ppsh) and I(RPK) we shot an estimated 13,000 BB's between the two of us. I would have shot more had My RPK not had the worst jam in airsoft history.


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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2015, 10:56:15 PM »
I'll get some official write out here soon... Too tired, too burnt.

Want to thank everyone who came out, tried to get around and talk to everyone individual, but the later it got the less time I had. So I am sorry if I didn't get to you or I cut our conversation short.
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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2015, 11:02:55 AM »
This was the greatest Bastards event I have been to so far. Excellent fun. I had to leave at lunch because of a graduation party I was obligated to attend, but that first half was awesome.
Apparently the second half wasn't so good, and part of that is my fault for leaving, so sorry guys.

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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2015, 12:22:50 PM »
Huge thanks to all that came out. Thankfully we had quite a few more at the door show ups than originally expected, and through that we'll be able to build a SAM site as well as some C4 bricks and some other prop ideas we've got for our next events to come.

I always like posting from sort of the "behind the scenes" perspective, just because I'm sure at almost one point in anybodies mind a thought of "What exactly is going on?" popped up.

Firstly, we had a logistical issue when a member who originally said he would be coming and be the driving vehicle in a carpool situation bailed on us at 5am the day of. Didn't give us much time to figure everything else out in order to get on field in time, which accounted for why myself and Troub didn't arrive at 0750, like we originally intended. The morning game went live at 1100, 30 minutes behind schedule. We had a few late shows that tossed wrenches in the gears with needing to chrono, but for the most part I think that was pretty solid. The plan was to play until 2pm and then take lunch and rehydrate.

As I'm sure everyone had seen, Hell Survivors has built up quite a few new buildings in the city. Additionally, their biggest event is next weekend (Tippman world challenge). They needed to paint the buildings, but didn't tell us about that until we got on field. This kinda messed us up, because we had a large bit of our objectives built around the city, but rather than completely scrap them we wanted to at least allow players to fight around there for an hour, so that was what we started with.

The administrative issues was moving all forces out of the City and into the back 40 of the field for a few hours. A lot of conflicting word got passed as to who should go where, and multiple times I had to jump on comms and remind people that this was what was happening. I'm very grateful that all the players out there were able to roll with those punches and helped us out on that process.

The early afternoon before lunch was some of the best fighting I've been in for quite some time. Once I grabbed the Maruzen and started trying to help my boys reclaim Area 51 and East Point, we started getting momentum. Unfortunate that lunch happened when it did, because for a minute it looked like we were going to start putting the pressure back on the AJA. Huge thanks to Bulldog 1 and some of the Rangers that flanked West and employed those mortars to help destroy 51 and allow us a foothold. Had it not been for that I think we would have spend the next hour or so just pinned down North of the City.

Lunch break I'm not sure I have any issues with. Pizza arrived about 20 minutes after we called it, which gave all players 40 minutes to eat, hydrate, and gear up. At the Staff level, we were ready to launch at 3pm (the scheduled resume time), although at 3pm on the dot out of the 90 some players, only 3 were standing in front of staging ready to go. Being able to only move as fast as your slowest bundle of players has a big role in how everything goes down, which we seen again once the majority of the players were up and we were waiting on a squad to start the afternoon bit. Not a huge deal, just starts adding up to take away from the optimal amount of time on field.

Second highlight for me in the afternoon was somehow being able to sink a 97 meter shot on another player with the Maruzen. After it made contact I literally didn't even care if I got shot and paced the distance, because I didn't think it would reach. Huge kudos to the dude on the end that called it.

I couldn't have asked for a better performing group. Everyone was up on comms for just about the entire day and stuck to the plans and assignments they were given. Big thanks to Kurt for leading the Bulldog element around the flank in the afternoon and easing the pressure on the South so we could snatch the AJA Commander and win that objective. Also thanks to the defecting CJA AJA members that helped us on the charge at the end.

All in all Administratively most of the day ran pretty smooth. Nobody else to thank for that other than the players through staying up on comms, following the objectives and orders that were given to them, and overall being good sports. Only had a few flair ups with hit calling, but no repeat offenders and nothing worth yelling about on field.

Thanks to all that showed up, we look forward to putting on more games in the future.


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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2015, 12:37:03 PM »
That's another thing I want to bring up:
For the first time ever, people actually communicated over the radios for the entirety of the event. I was always able to reach our team's leaders.

Also, I saw way more props this time around. There were tons of IEDs that were fun to recover, move around, plant, and just in general please Marshy with. Because it's great when you walk up to the "Fearless Commander" and he asks, "Did you bring me ammo?" and you say, "We brought you something better."

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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2015, 12:39:11 PM »
This was the greatest Bastards event I have been to so far. Excellent fun. I had to leave at lunch because of a graduation party I was obligated to attend, but that first half was awesome.
Apparently the second half wasn't so good, and part of that is my fault for leaving, so sorry guys.

Suck it Mosin. ;)

Also, to address the after lunch thing here once again as I did in the other thread. Since I have been airsofting, lunch has almost always been the biggest nightmare for event hosts. Any event you have, the second half is always different. Nothing changes in how the admin are administrating stuff, what has changed is the people playing. A lot of people frankly over-eat and become lethargic (I have done this numerous times, fucking A&W), some are just physically exhausted and can't do it, some leave, some fart around, either way. Most of the motivation and zeal to play that everyone had at 9am is gone and it's just a truth fact. It's incredibly hard to get people motivated and back into the fight and yes, there are a good many who will keep it going till the end and we love those guys. However, the reality is that isn't everyone. We tried to combat that with having lunches in the field, but that was chaotic and people ultimately decided the best thing to do was hide their trash on the field instead of bringing it over to us or letting us know and even though we searched the field for 1 1/2 hours we still didn't find it all and Hell's Survivors told us no more. So now we just try to push lunch as far back as possible, which is why it happened at 1400. So we did what we could to try and mobilize something and I feel that we still managed to eek out a few last good firefights out of the day, which is all you can hope for.

Additionally, the ambush mission was supposed to be the first mission of the day for a very good reason, but due to Hell's Survivor's reasons (City painting ) We had to move it at the very last minute and literally change up our entire day on the fly. We didn't know about any of that till we got there. The mission basically involved forcing BluFor elements into an ambush, then having OpFor get ambushed at the same time. However, with the lunchtime blues setting in, it got a bit fucked frankly. I think it turned out to be a pretty cool firefight after the fact, at least from my point of view of watching. I feel had it worked, all parties involved would have walked away with it being the coolest part of the day. As an Event Host you try new things, adventurous things and hope they work out... Either that or you get stagnant and run the same thing over and over again. Sometimes those things don't go to plan and oh well, it's the nature of the game in the field of herding cats. Not gonna stop me from continuing to try to do cool shit... Like that suicide bomber in the city.

Anyways, I am sure you all want to know who won and what is what. Give me a moment and I'll make that post. I'll probably end double-posting, but oh well. It won't feel right if it is part of another post.

Ninja Edit: Looks like Mikey and I posted at the same time.
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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2015, 01:04:31 PM »
After hours of intense fighting, with both sides taking heavy losses and gaining victories, the jihadists have been cleared out of the Pontic mountains and are thought to be dead, dying, or fleeing back to the depths of Anurjistan. The Jihadist commander was wounded in the final fight and was unable to escape on foot and called for evacuation by truck. Due to the fortunate capture of multiple jihadists, JSOC and Turksih forces were able to intercept the radio transmissions of the Jihadists and were able to ascertain the description of the Jihadist Commander. They identified him as Marshy ebn Shaqashakeazulamahamke and through the combination of the description and radio transmissions were able to determine his location at an outcropping of houses north of the main village. JSOC and Turkish forces then apprehended the Jihadist Commander and are now holding him for questioning.

However, this day is not without loss. Many members of JSOC were lost and Turkish forces lost heavy numbers in the fighting on the outer parts of the mountain. Additionally, the fighting on the Pontic mountains seems to have been a distraction. While this was happening, Anurjistan forces were utterly destroyed and the Government overthrown. A new government has been erected and are calling themselves the Free Islamic State of Anurjistan. Reports are indicating that mass amounts of weapons and equipment were recovered by the new Government forces and they are considered extremely well armed and well equipped. Turkey is currently mobilizing all of it's current forces for a planned invasion. NATO and the UN are still in debates of how to handle this situation. However, a wide scale invasion of Anurjistan seems extremely likely.
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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2015, 02:39:32 PM »
I had a good time overall, but due to major fogging issues I had a very difficult time playing. We had some pretty intense firefights, I was on Bulldog 1 and for most of the day we were in the thick of it. During the first hour our primary achievement was taking Area 51. It was very uneventful, but we stayed there for 20-30 minutes. We then received word that the Rangers needed support, so the majority of our element fell back to assist. The only people left to guard Area 51 were myself and several others. Needless to say that didn't turn out so well. Shortly after the support element left we were hit from both sides by a large force of AJA, we held as long as possible but inevitably we were overrun. I'm glad to hear that the mortars we set up to defend were useful, to be honest we didn't really know what we were supposed to be doing with them.

During the second half of the day, Bulldog 1 and myself were employed with the rest of Marsoc to push north and engage the enemy. We were ambushed and destroyed in minutes; I had the unfortunate pleasure of being the last remaining member of Marsoc alive. I attempted to double back and see if there was anyone else still alive, but to my dismay AJA had flanked around and hit us from the rear as well. After that confusing mess, we regrouped and headed up towards tippmann mountain, which took with little resistance. It was slow going after that with all the squads becoming mixed and confused; with no one clearly in charge. It really wasn't until Mosin showed up on the front lines till we started to make some ground. Props to whoever captured those AJA prisoners, and rest assured none of those sons of motherless goats made it back alive. However, my personal highlight of the day was when we pushed all the way back to helicopter and captured the terrorist leader "marshy."

It was a very fun time as always, and I was very excited to hear that you guys are looking into partnering with MilSim West, I had wanted to attend some of their prior events but was unable to make it.

I had no issues with hit calling and everyone seemed pretty respectful. AJA put up a formidable fight the whole day so props to you guys for that.

I hopefully will be posting some pictures as soon as our photographer can edit them.   

And as a final note, if anyone happened to see a KJW P226 Magazine somewhere around West Point, that would be mine, I lost it when trying to hold the Mortars against AJA. 
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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2015, 03:10:30 PM »
I would like to thank Mosin, Troub, Marshy ebn Shaqashakeazulamahamke, and the rest of the Bastards for hosting an amazing and memorable game. It was truly worth it's weight in goats. Gold! I meant gold...

Anyway, the first half of the game was quite the whooping for JSOC. Task Force Phalanx was the Alpha 1/3 of Bulldog 1 which was tasked with swinging around the west of the field, taking West Point and the Hellicopter and striking the village from the North while the Ranger elements and Bulldog 2, the rest of MARSOC, assaulted the village from the South. My thanks to Kurt (Charlie squad) for helping me with locations and communication... I've only been to Hells Survivors a couple times. Bulldog encountered zero resistance on its trek to the North of the village, taking spawns as we went. Upon reaching the outskirts of the AJA-held village, Phalanx (Bulldog 1-Alpha) encountered light resistance, which quickly turned into heavy resistance and after I'd say 10-20 minutes of fighting had decimated Bulldog 1 with perhaps 4 survivors.  The 4 survivors took Area 51 to provide Bulldog 1 with a spawn. Upon exiting spawn, we learned that the Rangers and Bulldog 2 had pushed AJA from the city. We were ordered to move through the city (which was about to be designated out-of-play and spawn at the entrance.

After spawning, Bulldog 1 took Area 51 and held it for an unknown amount of time while the Rangers were fighting up along Tobacco road to the north and to the east. The bridge acted as a bottle-neck, keeping AJA from taking Area 51. I sent a scout to report the Ranger's positions and received contact from Mosin asking to speak with the Rangers. I sent my scout back and told him to get the Rangers to contact Mosin, I'm unsure if they did or not. The Rangers captain then came to me at 51 and reported that they were stretched out in a thin line along the road and were being heavily assaulted by AJA. We decided to attempt to relieve them, leaving five shooters at Area 51.

On the road, we quickly met mid-high resistance and had to take cover. Then, over a hill, I spotted 6-7 heads pop over the edge and open fire upon Bulldog 1 from just on the other side of the road... Bulldog 1 was combat ineffective after less than a minute. I applaud AJA for an amazing job of stealth. We then were ordered to redcon back to the staging area (crossing through the city, witnessing the deadly effect of the oh-so-deadly suicide bombers!) for a secret squirrel mission: the mortar strike on area 51.

Most of Bulldog 1 and the Ranger elements accompanying us were exhausted and extremely low on ammo. Half of Phalanx made it back to staging late and we weren't able to move for at least fifteen minutes. The Rangers were sent first carrying the first mortar to West Point. Bulldog 1 then followed with the last two and made it successfully to West Point without contact.

Apparently, the mortars are what caused JSOC to take down Area 51, but to us, we were merely babysitting a pointless objective. I dispersed Bulldog 1 and the Ranger elements with us along the road, creating a defensive line. After some time of stalemate, the AJA then came down the road at West Point, slowly gaining momentum, pushing us out and back to the main building. In confusion, someone said we were allowed to move the mortars... we found out later it was against the rules, but at the time, their was no choice but to go with what other were telling me was allowed. I ordered the mortars moved back about 50 yards from their original position. With the mortars pulling out, the entire force was retreating in chaos with them. I was able to gain their attention and ordered Phalanx on the flanks and center and the rest of Bulldog 1 and the Ranger elements spread out along with us. I then received the call and confirmed that at 1400 I was to remove my forces to the staging area for lunch. Ten minutes. We decided this was the line in the sand, and held for ten minutes, despite the Rangers asking their troops to withdraw, an order I asked them to rescind. In the last 30 seconds, the remainder of my men were killed, but the game was over before the mortar tubes could be taken. 1400, lunch and a well needed break.

I felt the break was very well managed with most of Bulldog 1 and 2 being assembled and ready at 1500 to go, but the Rangers were still loading up. The Rangers were ordered to move up and around to the extreme West and Bulldog 1 was ordered to go along Tobacco road the Helicopter. The whole IED rules for that game were not very well explained, I'm sorry to say. I still didn't understand them after being told twice... Maybe it was just me. We Upon entrance of the field, Bulldog 1's Bravo squad (our scouts) ran into contact. All elements of Bulldog 1 and 2 were eliminated within ten minutes of entrance. We decided, then to move up and around to the top of the hill and take the fortress and trenches around it. This position we held, despite the AJA's attempt to flank around our positions, and a foothold was created. We then began a sweep down the hill and destroyed the enemy as we went, quickly ending all resistance. On the road, we captured four prisoners which Mosin was cool enough to let us have a hostage battle with... While Troub interrogated them (doing a fine job of it) we discovered that their favorite color was "blue- no, yellow!" and other valuable intel... We held them despite deadly resistance (not really any at all) and heavy losses (we didn't have any casualties...). Let's face it, they didn't care about those hostages. But that's ok, because Troub had already executed one after interrogating him. That patriot!

The rest of the was ended up as a routing of the AJA all the way back to the Hellicopter where resistance became heavier. Mosin said he would come and help us and bring a division, "I'll do my best," and was requested to bring beer, "That I can do." But after some time, we found that for the final four minutes or so we were friendly firing with Charlie squad of Bulldog 1... oops... Oh well. Kurt had captured Marshy (ebn Shaqashakeazulamahamke) and our new objective was to extract him to the staging area. A job we were honored to do! That was honestly one of the funnest times I've ever had... With Marshy "fighting back", grabbing onto trees (which we simply spun him around on till the bark became too painful... sorry Marshwiggle), pushing back, even pulling a 226 on us and killing three shooters. We dragged him successfully to the staging area. A great success and rousing victory. I had a great time and plan on attending the next Bastards' event. Thanks for a good one, guys!


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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2015, 03:46:57 PM »
This was my first event hosted by the Bastards. I had fun but it was a little disorganized. Some of the objectives we were give conflicted with what others were given. Such as recapturing the city or protecting the IED.

We were not told the city was closed so we kept pushing towards it. We ended up spawn trapping the group of MARSOC trying to push up. The AJA squads broke up after a bit and by the end of the day we were down to 1 medic for the whole force who refused to revive anyone but his squad.

Other than that I had quite a bit of fun, had no problems with other players or refs. I would definitely go again

Does anyone know if there were any pictures taken during the event?


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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2015, 04:06:18 PM »
Phalanx brought a photographer, and we'll have pics up asap. But most of them will be of Bulldog 1...

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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2015, 04:15:00 PM »
@Ajax I found it and turned it over to Mosin.


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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2015, 05:31:30 PM »
I have that mag.


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Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2015, 06:38:02 PM »
I had a good time as usual, it was good to see a lot of new faces out and slingin plastic.

Through out the day I noticed a general good vibe. It was fun to get my role play on blow up some infidel swine with my homey Muhammad X Muhammad Gwen Stefani. The only issue I had was a player blind firing while trying to pull my back to safety in which scenario I told him to stop and he apparently didn't know the meaning of blind firing so I promptly was told to "shut the fuck up mind my own business"

Thanks again to the admins and hells survivor for the fun event and field time.
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