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Author Topic: April 7th Airsoft war DFA REC  (Read 8581 times)


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April 7th Airsoft war DFA REC
« on: March 27, 2018, 12:49:15 PM »
Airsoft war (Open Play)
DarkFire Airsoft
April 7th, 2018

Engagement distance is highly detailed and based upon joules (ACTUAL ENERGY) not just a basic fps reading. Also, ROF plays an effect on engagement distance. Engagement distance is MORE STRICT Mia requirements.

250 Donnell Drive Coldwater Mi 49036

Arrival time: 9:00 Am
Game Start: 10:00 Am
Event End: 10:30 Pm

Participant Fee: $15.00 Pre registered online $18 at the gate.
Pre registration link: https://www.darkfireairsoft.com/events/airsoft-war-10

General Information:
- Rentals available, check here for more info: https://www.darkfireairsoft.com/rentals
- Store on site
- Outdoor field (13.5 acres)
- Vending machine
- Lockers available

Rules (https://www.darkfireairsoft.com/rules):
FPS: If you bring your own gun, you must get the fps tested by OUR chronograph, anything below 425 fps with a bb weight up to .5g is acceptable. MINIMUM ENGAGEMENT MUST BE FOLLOWED

MED: minimum Engagement is based on Joules but converted to FPS. To calculate your minimum engagement distance, you must check your FPS and rate of fire (ROF). The FPS will give you a baseline for your minimum engagement, if your ROF has a minimum engagement, it must be added onto the base determined by the FPS.

WAIVER: You must sign a waiver before participating in a DarkFire event. Without a waiver you will not be allow to play, no exceptions.

AGE: You must be 12 years of age or older to participate.

CHEATING: DO NOT CHEAT, any cheaters will immediately be removed without refund and possibly banned permanently.

EYE PROTECTION: You must wear full seal eye protection at all times during the games. Do NOT shoot anyone without a mask or other proper forms of face protection. Airsoft guns can cause serious injuries to those who are not prepared, do not risk anything. Do NOT remove face protection while a war-game is active. Many times if face protection is removed, BBs might already be in route to you, do not risk your personal safety, keep face protection on.

CONTACT: Avoid contact with other players. You are absolutely not allowed to push, shove, hit, or in any other way have violent contact with another player. You should only ever touch another player when you are respawning them or in rare occasion if a game mode requires it.

BBS: You MUST use biodegradable BBs. Anyone caught using non biodegradable BBs are subject to ejection from events.

SAFE ZONES: Before entering a safe zone, remove the mag, fire the gun once to ensure no BBs are left in the chamber, then ensure gun is on safety and put a barrel cover on.

REFS/ADMINISTRATORS: Whenever a ref is present on the field, his/her authority is final and cannot be argued with. They are present to keep the field safe, respect what they say. Refs are identified by reflective yellow vests. In the case when refs are not necessary, admins will be used in place of a ref. Admins are participants who know the field and have volunteered to help explain game modes and ensure the games run smoothly, similarly to refs. Admins also have the final say (although they can be overridden by a ref). Admins participate in the games, however they cannot administrate the other team, only their own to ensure fairness.

BOG: Do NOT go near the bog, the bog will be pointed out to you, if you do not know where it is ask someone before you enter the forest. It is also pointed out on the map, but please ask to see exactly where it is before you enter. This bog is very deep and very dangerous. It looks just like the ground around it, however, you will sink into it and your legs will become stuck. Avoid the bog at all times.

TARGET: Do not shoot any bbs inside any designated safe zones or at other houses, this is a serious safety risk, just don't do it. Remember to be mindful of your target, if there is a house behind your target, do not fire.

HITS: If you are shot you must raise your hand over your head, yell “out” or "hit" and walk back to designated location. Friendly fire and blind fire do count as a hit. While ricochet shots and gun hits do not count, any other form of shots do count. If you are unsure whether a shot was ricochet, friendly fire, blind fire, or a normal shot, just play it safe and call a hit.

BANG BANG: The bang bang rule is optional. Some people may accept it as a hit, some may not. It is at the players discretion. If you are within your minimum engagement distance, it is recommend to switch to either a knife or lower powered weapon with less minimum engagement such as a pistol.

KNIFE KILLS: Knife kills do count. If you do not have a rubber knife, you are allowed to use anything that may resemble or simulate a knife so long as it is no harder than normal rubber knives. This rule also applies to larger melee weapons. Foam swords, axes, maces, hammers, and any other form of melee weapons that are either foam or rubber count so long as they are not deemed too hard by a ref. Do not stab, you can slice with your melee weapon but stabbing is prohibited because many of them have very hard tips.

WEAPONRY: No deadly weapons allowed during wargames. Accidents can happen, we don't want any accidents to occur with deadly weaponry.

TEAMS: When you are assigned to a team and you must wear the corresponding colored arm bands (white for Alpha, green for Omega, blue for Sigma). You may be required to put one around your gun if your arms are not visible enough. The colors are chosen for the purpose of minimizing interference with camouflage but still being visible enough when you are spotted.

ENTRY FEE: You are required to bring the preset entry fees. If we don't collect entry fees, we could no longer afford to be in business, please respect that. We always try to improve the field and continually grow, we cannot do that without funds.

DARKFIRE PROPERTY: Do not purposely cause any damage to any part of the property, forest, barricades, barn, houses, ect. This also includes the provided radios and equipment. DarkFire Airsoft provides a limited supply of radios, maps, melee weapons, and arm bands. Please respect what we are trying to provide by not breaking anything. If you are issued a radio, you must keep track of it, if it is lost or broken, you may be liable to replace it.

CLIMBING: No climbing on any structures. This is not parkour, please be safe.

GRENADES: Grenades are allowed, however a player must be hit by a BB in order for it to count as a kill, flour bombs also count (filling a grenade with flour to produce a small cloud). Noise effect grenades will not count as kills.

AIRSOFT ONLY: Absolutely no airguns or paintball guns ever. You cannot bring any airguns (powerful BB guns that fire metal projectiles) because they can be deadly. You cannot bring any paintball guns because they are extremely messy. We are playing Airsoft, lets keep it that way.

Dead people CANNOT:

Speak, other than to say “hit!” or “dead!” or if you want to compliment a shot such as “how did you hit me? That was an excellent shot!”

Give away a person(s) position.

Help alive people in tasks such as reloading mags.

Dead people CAN:

Spectate current war so long as they have proper face protection and do not interfere in speech or movement and be in a designated no shoot zone or wearing identifying gear (reflective vest and face protection).

Return to re-spawn point (if the game calls for re-spawns) or return to safe zone to wait for next war.

Failure to adhere to the rules can result in punishment such as exile from current or next wargame, permanent exile from DarkFire events, immediate death in game, ect.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2018, 09:41:20 AM by Legolas »