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Author Topic: Capital City Airsoft Presents: TC Paintball REC Game 06-11-17  (Read 13204 times)


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TC Paintball is opening its field up for airsoft once again for Sundays at least once per month. Here is the first event of the season!

Check out the AAR from the last REC game there!

Date & Time:06/11/17
Doors open: 10am
Registation & Chrono start: 10:15am
Game Start: 11am
Break: When/if players decide
Game End: 5pm

T.C. Paintball
3262 Mconnell Highway
Charlotte MI 48813

$20 at the door
Free HPA fills
Rental Valken battle machines will be available for $25 which includes 1000bbs

Age Restrictions

A waiver is required for all players.
Any players under the age of 18 must have their waiver signed by a parent or legal guardian.
Waivers will be available on site or you can print it and sign it yourself here:


Fps limits

0-350fps Arms length MED
350-400 20ft MED
400+ Prohibited

No blind firing
Smoke grenades must be approved by game organizers
Any pyrotechnic devices not approved are PROHIBITED
All players will be required to wear full face protection, be it goggles and half mask, full mask, or shemagh etc.
Face masks will be available for rent for 5$ or purchase on site.
Anyone without a hard face cover will be required to rent or purchase one.

Teams will be separated by arm band, therefore no camouflage is required.

In order to be added to the roster post your information in the following format:

Age (optional)

Name: Merrick Coussens
Callsign: coussens5
Age: 24
« Last Edit: May 10, 2017, 01:57:19 PM by coussens5 »