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Author Topic: REC: 2024-2025 Sunday Walk-On Recreational Games (Open Play Airsoft) @ HITW  (Read 8159 times)


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2024 Sunday Walk-On Recreational Games (Open Play Airsoft)
Every Sunday - Rain or Shine

Hole in the Wall Paintball - Southwest Michigan

Hole in the Wall Paintball - 24262 66th Street, Bangor, Michigan 49013
(269) 353-2978

Registration/Chronograph Open: 10:00 AM.
Game Start: 10:00 AM.
Event End: 4:30 PM to 5:00 PM (Dusk)
* From November 2024 to April 2025 we are operating on winter season hours. If no customers arrive by 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM, we will be closing our doors early. If you have questions about attendance or if staff are present, please call (269) 353-2978.

- Ages: 14+
- Full seal ANSI Z87.1 rated goggles are required!
- Mesh goggles, lab safety goggles, or safety glasses will not be permitted under any circumstances.
- Barrel bags required for all replicas in the staging area or parking lot. No ad-hoc barrel bags are allowed.

- Walk on payment and registration only.
- Signature of parent or guardian required for minor participants.
- Waivers will be available at game registration.
- Webpage: www.holeinthewallpaintballmi.com
- Driving Directions: https://maps.app.goo.gl/u2QnrkVSovAAbVDp9
- If you have a question, don't hesitate to send a message and ask!

Walk-On Field Fee: $20.00 Per Person (All Transactions Cash Only)
- Bring your own equipment.
- Must have full seal (ANSI Z87.1) rated eye protection and barrel bag.

Rental Package: $40.00 Per Person (All Transactions Cash Only)
- Includes: Admission, replica, full face mask, and one full magazine of BB's.
- Additional BB's beyond the initial rental package must be purchased.
- Field ammo (BB's) only in rental equipment. Outside BB's are prohibited to be run through rental equipment.
* All rentals are first come, first serve. Please reserve ahead of time, message for details.

Eye Protection and Barrel Bag Regulations:

- ANSI Z87.1 rated full seal eye protection only, no exceptions.
- 'Full Seal' is defined as a foam band separating the lens of the goggle from the frame portion and the face of the user.
- Mesh goggles, lab safety goggles, safety glasses, etc will not be permitted under any circumstances.
- Lower face protection (Mesh Lowers, Mouth Guards, etc) do not apply to this.

- Replicas are required to have barrel bags for their replicas while in the staging area or parking lot.
- Ad-hoc barrel bags such as socks, gloves, or other types of impromptu blocking devices are not allowed.
- Barrel bags are available for sale for $8.00 each if needed at game registration.

Uniform Requirements:

- No uniform or gear requirements will be enforced for this event.
- Players are advised to wear clothing that can get dirty.
- Good footwear is recommended.

Engagement Limits:

~ 0.01j - 1.07j - Arms Length Engagement Limit.
~ 1.08j - 1.49j - 20 Foot Engagement Limit.
~ 1.50j - 2.32j - 50 Foot Engagement Limit. (Permanent Semi-Auto or Bolt Action Replicas Only).
~ 2.33j - 2.69j - 100 Foot Engagement Limit. (Bolt Action Replicas Only).
~ 2.7j+ - Prohibited Under All Circumstances.

- Velocities will be measured using the weight of BB being used.

Lost or Stolen Property Policy:

- Hole in the Wall Paintball, Inc and/or affiliates will not be held responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property of any kind on field grounds.
- Participants are strongly advised to not take unnecessary items onto field grounds or playing areas.

* This game, along with all business hours and related information is subject to change in accordance with local, state, or federal regulations. Please watch for updates. If you have a question, please do not hesitate to ask.
« Last Edit: November 18, 2024, 12:28:36 PM by Canto »
~ FLAK ~