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Messages - Ajax

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Airsoft Discussion / Re: Recommended Gear for Milsim West?
« on: August 26, 2015, 10:35:16 AM »
 I've seen some people bring hardshell and softshell jackets, but to save money I think I'm just going to get a waterproof outer jacket and bring thermals for the colder weather.

These are some links to a few of the jackets I was looking at.




Budget for cold/wet weather gear is $60-$90.

Airsoft Discussion / Recommended Gear for Milsim West?
« on: August 25, 2015, 12:10:57 AM »
I'm looking into going to Assault on Derbent, the only problem is I'm not sure what kind of gear I should get for the event; as I have never participated in a 40 hour milsim before.

I know I would need a ruck sack, any that you guys recommend? Main thing is it needs to fit over my JPC. (EDIT) and be affordable, I can't spend $300 on what is essentially a large back pack.
For food what would you guys bring? I thought that I would just buy some MRE's but was interested in hearing of any alternatives. 

For cold weather gear are we supposed to have faction appropriate jackets? Or could we just bring in some random coat. I wasn't sure about this as in the TACSOP it simply states "cold/wet weather gear."

Do I just need to get the Milsim West tourniquet? Or do I need to get a full IFAK 

Please let me know if you can think of Anything, not mentioned in the TACSOP, that you feel is important.


I had a good time overall. I thought it ran smoothly for being Abbots first event, and I'm sure that the next one will be better. I also agree that TcPaintball is not a mil-sim capable field; It's just simply not large enough. My main issue was the lack of overall communication and the breakdown that happened pretty early on in the game. I'm guessing this was mostly due to the fact that we lost the mounds portion of the field.

Props to everyone who stayed and played in the terrible heat. Between that and the mosquitoes I think you all deserve a cookie ;). I enjoyed meeting some more members of the MIA community, as well as playing against them. The quality of the game play easily increased when we started playing the scenario style games.

However, my personal favorite moment of the day was the last game, when tan team was tasked with rescuing our CO. It was very enjoyable to sneak around greens flank and stealthily take out 3-4 guys. Only problem, I was too far into enemy territory that I was mistakenly friendly fired, Oh well.

Finally, I personally think a lot more things could have gone wrong, and made this a terrible day. There was a lot stacked against it; with the heat, the bugs, and this being Abbots first event it turned out pretty good overall. 

Airsoft Discussion / The new G&G CM16 SR
« on: July 21, 2015, 09:43:01 PM »
So G&G has announced it's new combat machine.

Do you guys think it'll be worth it? I was interested in selling my raider and buying this instead as a better backup.

Forum News / Re: New feature added to the site - Like System
« on: July 05, 2015, 08:17:56 PM »
I am pleased by this, and have thus "liked" yonder post.

Airsoft Events / Re: MilSim: Operation Trident 7/25/2015 (July 25th)
« on: June 25, 2015, 04:13:36 PM »
Put me down with the rest of Phalnax please.

After Action Reports / Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« on: June 21, 2015, 09:32:20 PM »
Some Pics, these are mostly from Bulldog 1.

After Action Reports / Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« on: June 21, 2015, 06:56:19 PM »
I have that mag.

Very cool thanks guys.

After Action Reports / Re: AAR 6/20 White Mountain
« on: June 21, 2015, 02:39:32 PM »
I had a good time overall, but due to major fogging issues I had a very difficult time playing. We had some pretty intense firefights, I was on Bulldog 1 and for most of the day we were in the thick of it. During the first hour our primary achievement was taking Area 51. It was very uneventful, but we stayed there for 20-30 minutes. We then received word that the Rangers needed support, so the majority of our element fell back to assist. The only people left to guard Area 51 were myself and several others. Needless to say that didn't turn out so well. Shortly after the support element left we were hit from both sides by a large force of AJA, we held as long as possible but inevitably we were overrun. I'm glad to hear that the mortars we set up to defend were useful, to be honest we didn't really know what we were supposed to be doing with them.

During the second half of the day, Bulldog 1 and myself were employed with the rest of Marsoc to push north and engage the enemy. We were ambushed and destroyed in minutes; I had the unfortunate pleasure of being the last remaining member of Marsoc alive. I attempted to double back and see if there was anyone else still alive, but to my dismay AJA had flanked around and hit us from the rear as well. After that confusing mess, we regrouped and headed up towards tippmann mountain, which took with little resistance. It was slow going after that with all the squads becoming mixed and confused; with no one clearly in charge. It really wasn't until Mosin showed up on the front lines till we started to make some ground. Props to whoever captured those AJA prisoners, and rest assured none of those sons of motherless goats made it back alive. However, my personal highlight of the day was when we pushed all the way back to helicopter and captured the terrorist leader "marshy."

It was a very fun time as always, and I was very excited to hear that you guys are looking into partnering with MilSim West, I had wanted to attend some of their prior events but was unable to make it.

I had no issues with hit calling and everyone seemed pretty respectful. AJA put up a formidable fight the whole day so props to you guys for that.

I hopefully will be posting some pictures as soon as our photographer can edit them.   

And as a final note, if anyone happened to see a KJW P226 Magazine somewhere around West Point, that would be mine, I lost it when trying to hold the Mortars against AJA. 

Airsoft Discussion / Thermal Lens question
« on: June 16, 2015, 10:00:09 AM »
So I recently watched this video and it left me with some questions.

I'm not sure if his testing is "scientifically valid" but it still looked impressive to me. My question is, would any thermal lens goggles have the same results? If not are there any particular goggles you would recommend? Please keep in mind they need to be large enough to fit over my prescription glasses (at least until I can get some contacts.)


The Gallery / Re: Show Us Your Kit/Loadout
« on: June 02, 2015, 10:53:14 PM »
My current kit.


I'm looking to buy a JPC replica in multicam. Willing to consider any brand or manufactor (besides the TMC/Emerson), but would prefer Flyye, Semapo, or MODI repros. I'm willing to spend anywhere from $50-~$150 depending on brand and condition.

Also I'm looking for:

A triple M4 mag pouch (I don't really care about the brand, but would prefer the elastic blue force pouches)
A radio pouch for my small handheld
And a dual pistol mag pouch

My only requirements for the pouches is that they are tan or multicam.

PM me if you are interested in selling.


Airsoft Discussion / Re: TM just announced an AEG AA-12 shotgun.
« on: May 15, 2015, 08:28:32 AM »
As if I didn't have enough things to spend money on. That thing looks wicked.

Michigan Commerce - Airsoft Guns Allowed / WTB Airframe side rails
« on: April 28, 2015, 09:50:48 AM »
As the title states I would like to get some side rails, brand doesn't really matter for me, but I would prefer not to spend more than $10-$20.

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