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Messages - Osprey037

Pages: [1]
Tech Questions / Re: Powering a LMG from a vehicle?
« on: April 26, 2016, 01:51:23 PM »
I would be wiring it in down stream from my voltage converter to keep a steady 12 volts.

Tech Questions / Powering a LMG from a vehicle?
« on: April 26, 2016, 01:31:22 PM »
Hi guys, to preface my questions me and my friends play airsoft on rather large plots of land and will use trucks to move our teams around. My friend has put a MG42 on his to use as a technical and I have mounted my A&K mk43 on mine. The problem I've run across is that he uses an 11.1 Lipo on his mg42 and I have been told that using a comparable battery would damage my box magazine. My current idea is to run my mk43 off of the 12V dc in my truck using a resistor to drop the voltage to around 10.8v which is what I've heard is the highest power that you can use on my LMG. Based on this my questions are, first is it possible to safely use a higher voltage on an A&K mk43? Second how plausible is it to power an AEG from a vehicles 12v system as previously described? Finally if plausible what alterations would I need to make to my system for this to work?

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